Border collies know how to hide themselves in short grass, waiting for the unsuspecting potential Frisbee thrower to pass by. They disguise themselves in dandelion heads and you can barely see them. Well, you can almost barely see them.
This is a common butterfly around here in the summer, but I was really pleased to get this photo of it as it rested on the path. The patterns on its wings are finely drawn and the tips of its antennae are tiny orange balls (hard to see in this photo, to be fair). Rupert (our Cornish Rex cat) tried to catch it and almost succeeded (which is what drew it to my attention) but I managed to save it and put it safely out of his reach (he is on a long leash) so it could get over the shock and fly away. Have a lovely week everyone, full of lovely butterflies!
Even if it’s just in a photograph! I thought it was about time I shared another photo of the alert kitten who was the boldest in the place we were staying in during our trip to Quebec this Spring. I had only a very little light in that basement room they were in, so was glad when a bit came in the window right onto this little cutie’s eyes. He seemed to be the most awake and curious of the litter. And we all know what curiosity does to cats….
Enjoy the rest of the week, everyone! (Gallery is below or if you click on the ‘continue reading’ bit)
A few weeks ago one night we heard Joni making a terrible racket, barking. When Steven went out to investigate he found that she had discovered these babies who were huddled by the door to his workshop. Once Joni was safely in the house we both went outside with our cameras to see if they were still there. Then we took turns holding the flashlight while the other took photos of the cute little things. Then we went to bed hoping that the mother would have come to rescue them by the morning.
The next day I saw the two of them wandering around, but after that they were nowhere to be seen, so I assume that they went off somewhere where they weren’t likely to run into an excited border collie. This is the one I took of them. (Steven posted his photo at the time. You can see his here )
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
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