Another Surprise

A small, brown and cream mouse is sitting in some brown undergrowth next to a small dark hole beside it. One eye is facing us warily. Around is green grasses and dried reeds and grasses.
Little Brown Mouse in the Undergrowth

Generally I quite like surprises. Having a mouse scurry under my feet in the house, first thing in the morning would not be ranked one of my favourites. We have, as you probably know, three cats. So, with a house full of cats, how did it happen that I came downstairs this morning to be faced with a (live) mouse in the house? The cats knew it was there. The poor little thing was terrified, running around and hiding frantically. So what did the cats do? They squabbled with each other over whose mouse it was. They chased it a bit, of course, then they sat and looked at it. Face to face, at one point. So it was up to me to catch it (by putting an upturned plastic pot over it) and take it outside to get on with its life. It was a cute little thing, catching its breath in the grass. This photo was actually taken years ago, as this morning was not the time for a photo session.

May all your unusual surprises end as well as this one did.

My gallery of photographs featuring animals including this little guy is here:

8 Responses

  1. We haven’t had mice in the house (yet), but we recently played host to a red squirrel family who were being raised in the basement ceiling. Once we discovered them (that’s another story) we invited them to move out and had their access door sealed.

    When we moved into the (new) house 16 years ago we discovered a raccoon living in the attic – we had him moved out.

    Life in the big city……

  2. Oh, Ellie, not the best of surprises, no. However, I’m so relieved, as is the mouse I’m sure, that you were able to rescue it and set it on its way with a tale of warning to let its brethren know to stay clear of your house.
    Your good deed for the day.

    1. I’ve had better surprises, or at least ones that I could sit down and enjoy, rather than charging around the house trying to catch the little thing and being assisted (?) by cats in the effort. Good early morning exercise, I guess.
      We were both relieved when he was outside (the mouse and me).

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