Asiatic Lilies

A patch of asiatic lilies, some in the foreground and middle back are a pale pink, while to the right of the frame is a darker pink or red. There are a few apricot coloured odd ones in the left top corner. They are framed by dark green leaves.
Asiatic Lilies

For any who are looking for a joyful post today, a timeline cleanse perhaps, look no further! The sight of these gorgeous blooms never fails to bring me a feeling of happiness and well-being, no matter whatever else might be on my mind. I hope this gives the same to you, friends. I wish you all a happy Friday and weekend.

For more joyful colour and to see this in full size, visit my Flower gallery here:

8 Responses

  1. The bright colours with the dark green contrast is gorgeous. They certainly do give you a lift. Wish I had more wall space so I could frame it and enjoy every day.

    1. That is such a compliment, Linda! Thank you. I wish we could see such beauty all year long and they didn’t fade. But then new ones take their place, at least during the summer.

  2. A plethora of beauty and a sight for sore eyes, as the saying goes. Thank you Ellie, for this visual cleansing and colourful end to a busy week.

    1. Thank you, Janet. I know what joy you get from your beautiful flowers in your garden, too, and I’m sure you are appreciating them when it’s cool enough to get out there.

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