Sometimes What Fixes Everything is a Kitten!

Who's Awake Then?- Ellie Kennard 2016
Who’s Awake Then?- Ellie Kennard 2016

Even if it’s just in a photograph! I thought it was about time I shared another photo of the alert kitten who was the boldest in the place we were staying in during our trip to Quebec this Spring. I had only a very little light in that basement room they were in, so was glad when a bit came in the window right onto this little cutie’s eyes. He seemed to be the most awake and curious of the litter. And we all know what curiosity does to cats….

Enjoy the rest of the week, everyone! (Gallery is below or if you click on the ‘continue reading’ bit)



38 Responses

  1. Oh, that sounds like a lot of trouble and work! Good luck with the reformatting, hope it goes as smoothly as possible! Wishing you loads of cute kittens to sweeten it all up :))

  2. +Ellie Kennard Absolutely, but those are wildlife that belong in the local fauna.
    I've had cats for many years myself, and feel very guilty for all those birds they have killed. The best way is as you do – to have them indoors, and I regret my decision to let them be rat hunters and hoping that they stuck to rats and mice…. Since then I hope to make amends eventually by putting nest boxes in many a tree in my neighbourhood 🙂
    Wishing you wonderful evening dear +Ellie Kennard -)

    1. 🙂 Sounds like a fun time that would be! The kittens are in Quebec, so I haven’t seen them since then, I imagine they are getting quite big now! Thanks Cathy.

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