Ellie Kennard, Writer and Photographer – Artist’s Statement
A story is successful for me if it brings you, my readers an added dimension, layers supplied by your own life and experiences which you feel inspired to share with me. I feel that I have achieved that when I read comments you send me. Thank you.

Born in Montreal, Canada, Ellie has lived in England, Finland and France before returning to Nova Scotia. She trained as a copywriter and worked in advertising briefly in London, taught English as a foreign language to adults in Helsinki and earned a diploma in agriculture in France, specializing in equine breeding and nutrition. Now retired, she spends her time writing, taking photographs, cooking delicious, wholesome, plant based food, gardening ard walking her dog, Joni with her husband Steven.
Copyright information:
All images on this site are copyright ©Ellie Kennard – all rights reserved. Please respect this and do not use the photographs without written permission from the author/creator (Ellie Kennard). But if you want to use or purchase a photograph (in print) then please contact me and I can let you know how to do that.
Telephone: 1-902-582-3795