
Full Circle

Full Circle - Ellie Kennard 2015
Full Circle – Ellie Kennard 2015

Original Post: Week 26/26: Full Circle 

This photograph represents to me so much of the concept of ‘Full Circle’. The beginning of the project was on the theme ‘New Beginnings’ and in my case featured a photograph of Steven hand planing the wood beading for our new kitchen cabinets that were being made.  (You can see that original post here). The kitchen is not quite completed (not quite full circle) but the change over this year has been wonderful.  At one time my mother used to say that if we started work on fixing up our kitchen, that would be a sign that we would be on the move. We did plan to do up the kitchen when we first moved in, over 18 years ago, so now, with this work almost completed, it is a completion of our plans and dreams over those past years. And so far no move in sight (I love the kitchen too much to want to leave it so soon).

In this image you see reminders of images that have been shared throughout the year: blue ball for Joni, bottom left of the circle, Molly the black Cornish Rex, drinking from the water bowl, Steven’s boxes (old ones) on the mantelpiece, my copper pans I cook with, my flour mill. And possibly more.

As an aside, on the mantle, an anniversary card shows that another year of marriage has completed, a full circle each year, in a sense. And of course the image, taken with a fish-eye perspective is a full circle. The year is ending, another is beginning.

Blurred Lines on the Port Side

Halifax Port - Ellie Kennard 2015
Halifax Port – Ellie Kennard 2015

Week 25/26: Blur

I was sitting in the cafeteria in the Cunard Centre in Halifax looking out of the window at the dock structures when I saw how beautifully the condensation streaking the glass between the grid of the frames worked with the outside elements and at the same time blurred the lines. Right in front of this scene people were constantly milling around as they ordered their food and collected cutlery. Then, suddenly there was a break and I took this.



Week 24/26: Around the House

Sometimes other people's houses have more interesting things around them than you can find in your own. This collection of random items was on the front porch of a house not far from us. I loved how everything seemed to have been carefully placed to show each piece off to best advantage. My untrained eye couldn't detect any relationship between any of the pieces. I could only imagine that everything on that table had meaning to the people who had put it there. Closer inspection revealed all kinds of unexpected little surprises. The new G+ does not permit (so far) zooming in but if you can, enlarging the image will reveal some of the stranger additions. There are no children in this house, just in case you wondered.
My posts can all be read in my blog: .

#BWProject26 | Curated by +Tisha Montgomery+Brandon Luk+Lauri Novak+Al Chris
#everydaythings +EVERYDAY THINGS​ curated by +luca lancieri+Barbara Manciulli+Nynke B+Boba Musura


Check this out on Google+

Not so Many or so You Think


Week 23/26: Stacks

This small stack of CDs for the theme for our BW Project reminds me of a trip we made to Canada many years ago, before we moved here. We lived in France at the time, in an area where CDs were not easy to find, sadly, as music is a very big part of our lives. We had an eclectic taste in music and missed having access to a wide range of genres. They were also very expensive to buy, so our purchases were few and far between.

By contrast, Canadian music stores had a huge and varied inventory and we spent hours wandering around them making exciting discoveries. They were also cheap and doubly so for us as the dollar was low compared to the French franc. This meant that each trip to the stores saw us coming back to our room with a few more acquisitions to add to the pile.

We spent some time in several places and finally on the last leg of our journey I started to gather things together for the return flight. As I made my way around the room, I found a few stacks of CDs, then a few more, then a few more, under or behind or in boxes and bags or suitcases. I had not realized just how many CDs we had accumulated on that trip, but when I made the count finally, I realized that we had bought about 41 of them!

We still have them all, still in perfect condition and still treasured, along with the hundreds more we have bought since. We still buy CDs, not digital downloads. These are beautiful musical memories. Have fun reading the titles and seeing which you know (and discover) in this small stack.
The full list of titles is:
Boz Scaggs: My Time
Boz Scaggs: Memphis
Boz Scaggs: But Beautiful
Boz Scaggs: A Fool to Care
Sade: Stronger Than Pride
Sade: Love Deluxe
Van Morrison: Poetic Champions Compose
Mark Knopfler: Tracker
The Rails: Fair Warning
Richard and Linda Thompson: The End of the Rainbow (an introduction)
Beppe Gambetta, Carlo Aonzo, David Grisman: Traversata (Italian music in America)
Craig DeMelo: The Whiskey Poet
The Great Piano Concertos – Grieg, Schumann
Judy Garland: Over the Rainbow

(to be continued)

My posts are all on my blog : .

#BWProject26 | Curated by +Tisha Montgomery​​​​ +Brandon Luk​​​​ +Lauri Novak​​​​ +Al Chris​​​​

#everydaythings +EVERYDAY THINGS​​​​ curated by +luca lancieri​​​​ +Barbara Manciulli​​​​ +Nynke B​​​​ +Boba Musura​​​​

#allthingsmonochrome +All Things Monochrome​​​​ by +Charles Lupica​​​​, +Enrique Pelaez​​​​, +Brian Cox​​​​, +Dorian Stretton​​​​ and +Bill Wood​​​​

#monochromeworld +Monochrome World​​​​ by +andi rivarola​​​​


Check this out on Google+