Original Post: Week 26/26: Full Circle
This photograph represents to me so much of the concept of ‘Full Circle’. The beginning of the project was on the theme ‘New Beginnings’ and in my case featured a photograph of Steven hand planing the wood beading for our new kitchen cabinets that were being made. (You can see that original post here). The kitchen is not quite completed (not quite full circle) but the change over this year has been wonderful. At one time my mother used to say that if we started work on fixing up our kitchen, that would be a sign that we would be on the move. We did plan to do up the kitchen when we first moved in, over 18 years ago, so now, with this work almost completed, it is a completion of our plans and dreams over those past years. And so far no move in sight (I love the kitchen too much to want to leave it so soon).
In this image you see reminders of images that have been shared throughout the year: blue ball for Joni, bottom left of the circle, Molly the black Cornish Rex, drinking from the water bowl, Steven’s boxes (old ones) on the mantelpiece, my copper pans I cook with, my flour mill. And possibly more.
As an aside, on the mantle, an anniversary card shows that another year of marriage has completed, a full circle each year, in a sense. And of course the image, taken with a fish-eye perspective is a full circle. The year is ending, another is beginning.