Week 24/26: Around the House
Sometimes other people's houses have more interesting things around them than you can find in your own. This collection of random items was on the front porch of a house not far from us. I loved how everything seemed to have been carefully placed to show each piece off to best advantage. My untrained eye couldn't detect any relationship between any of the pieces. I could only imagine that everything on that table had meaning to the people who had put it there. Closer inspection revealed all kinds of unexpected little surprises. The new G+ does not permit (so far) zooming in but if you can, enlarging the image will reveal some of the stranger additions. There are no children in this house, just in case you wondered.
My posts can all be read in my blog: www.elliekennard.ca .
#BWProject26 | Curated by +Tisha Montgomery +Brandon Luk +Lauri Novak +Al Chris
#everydaythings +EVERYDAY THINGS curated by +luca lancieri +Barbara Manciulli +Nynke B +Boba Musura
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Thanks very much +Sandra Nesbit – and I have to say that nothing this interesting is around my house, either. I was just really glad I had my camera with me when I saw this!
I just love this, +Ellie Kennard . I must say that this is a more interesting collection than anything I have. I came to this through your blog. I intended to respond to you IN the blog, but when I was fooling around with the screen to enlarge it, I popped into G+ and this post. I don't know why the post didn't show up in my stream… Anyway, great Around the House collection.
Started to comment here but went through a worm-hole to G+, so see comment there. (so weird)
Worm holes will take you places you never would guess, Sandra! Thanks for the comment in both places. 😀 I have replied on the one on G+ too.
+Sumit Sen I hoped it would, thanks.
+Giselle Savoie thank you, isn't there?
Exactly and I checked it again yesterday, it's still arranged as neatly. +Diana Boyd
Thanks very much +Al Chris
It's a lovely idea, as the shells don't get scattered, +Christine Bichler
Thank you very much +Leonardo Hervacio Arenas
+Jason Cantor thanks!
wonderful collection 🙂 and I like the idea to put the shells in a glass!
A really great find Ellie!
I pondered on possible connections, but ended up just enjoying the view.
a lot of cool stuff
Wonderful image, a lot of stuff there!
Looks good in monochrome.
Thanks a lot Dylan. I thought they would do well in black and white. +Dylan Johnson – I might ask the owners one day what it all means.
Nice capture! Definitely can't decipher any meaning from them, but it is very picturesque!
Thanks +Linda Jess and ha ha ha! Steven's is worse. 😀
+Ellie Kennard Quite interesting and good shot.I will take a look at your night stand next time I am down
Isn't it +Lauri Novak
and very funny +Steven Kennard
It looks almost like you night stand +Ellie Kennard
Quite the collection…