
Snowed In

A bird with very fluffed up feathers is sitting on a snow covered branch looking directly at the camera. It has yellow eyes.
Snowed In

Winter’s coming and it’s getting colder for us and for all the wildlife around, including birds like this one. Here’s a challenge for all birders: what do we think this is? At first I thought ‘owl’ but on looking at it more closely I don’t think it is. I asked a local birder by email, with no response, but there were a few suggestions as to possibilities. This was taken through my living room window a few winters ago. The answer as to the identity is given below the next section if you want to see if you guessed correctly.

You can visit my animal photos, including birds, at my Animals gallery here.

It is a Red Tailed Hawk, fluffed up from the cold. It was difficult to be sure, as mostly these birds migrate south for the winter. In Nova Scotia, however, they stay year round. If you guessed that, then well done!!

School Reflections

A long window divided into narrow panes reflects clouds and a sunset sky with a red streak along the horizon, with silhouetted trees. We see what might be a filing cabinet and a tiny print of a hand, perhaps on the wall above the filing cabinet.
Reflecting on School

The other night after I got the “It’s Over” sunset photos, I passed by a school on my walk. I couldn’t resist the reflection of the remaining glow, as seen in the window here. I loved how the elements worked together, in the multi-paned frame, including the trees, clouds and red streaks with the filing cabinet (I guess) and that mysterious little hand print on the wall. Enjoy your day, friends!

This photo is included in my Blur gallery on my site, for anyone interested in seeing other Intentional Blur and Multiple exposure shots.

Baby, It's Cold Outside! – 58/365

Don't these look as if they are staring out the window, wide eyed, shocked by the snowy landscape, feeling warm and beautifully lit by the winter morning sun? Almost looks like eyes with a round 'O' mouth, while one is twisted around even more to see what's going on out there. That's how I see them, anyway. They are like a ray of sunshine in the room, even when the sun is no longer shining. So I hope they warm and brighten your day, too!

My dear friends who bring me flowers came by to visit us yesterday – to meet Joni of course. And they brought these flowers. They also brought a big bag of toys and treats for Joni. (She was pretty pleased to meet them, you might imagine! 😉 )

Thank you, Norma and Katheryn, you are so thoughtful, caring and generous as always. 

For my #365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton

#colormeweekly +ColorMe Weekly by +Rosie Nixon +Betty Manousos

and a day late for  #windowwednesday +#Window Wednesday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Simon Davis-Oakley +Cheryl Cooper +J.J. Bentley