Living, as we do, very close to the Bay of Fundy which boasts the highest (and the lowest) tides in the world, twice a day we are able to walk far out along the bottom of the sea bed to the edge of the receding water. It is a strange feeling, knowing that within a few short hours the water will be many feet, even meters above our heads as we walk out on the hard sea bottom. It is a constantly shifting underwater landscape, with the perpetual motion of the waves sculpting the sand and rocks into new formations twice a day, every day. The movement of the water doesn’t allow for anything but buried sea creatures and crabs to remain for long. It gives a clean sweep, every 12.5 hours. Here it looks as if the sand has taken the form of the receding waves themselves. This is Kingsport Beach, about 10 minutes from where we live.
Snow Geese on the Banks of the Saint Lawrence River, Quebec
On our recent trip along the shores of the Saint Lawrence river, wending our way to Quebec city, we stopped to watch this flock of snow geese wading through the marshy mud flats, feeding on he various aquatic plants, grasses etc. I was mystified by the black legs as the bird is described as having pink ones, until I realized that they were probably just covered in black mud! Snow geese, according to my birding app, pass through on their way in a Spring migration, and this was a first sighting of these birds for me. According to iBird, during the summer their heads are often stained red from gathering food in iron oxide laden mud.
Across the river you see the mountains of the opposite shore rising out of the mist, with the last of the snow trails just visible.
Coastal Scene, Maine : I Would Have Settled Here
Along the same stretch of coast as the Pemaquid Point lighthouse I posted the other day, there is a historic settlement, visible only in the ruins that have been partially excavated. After we walked around the grassy stone strewn hollows, which were the location of the old buildings, roped off and explained by signs, we were trying to imagine what life must have been like in the 1700's. I walked over towards the water and gazed over this scene. Without that picturesque building on stilts, the scene would have been perhaps not too different to what met the eyes of the early settlers. The mist was settling over the distant hills across the bay as the shadows lengthened. I would have been tempted to settle there myself.
My posts are all on my blog : .
#hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape curated by +Leo Schubert +David D +Mike Hankey +Peter Marbaise +Hans-Juergen Werner +Shannan Crow
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Kevin Rowe +Toshi Nakamura +Bill Wood +Tony Phillips +Jeff Beddow +Krzysztof Hanusiak +Dennis Hoffbuhr +Dave Gaylord +Doug Hagadorn +Eric Drumm
#coastalthursday +Coastal Thursday by +David Polzine +Jon Kahn
Sun Burning Through the Mist in Round Pond Harbour, Maine
There is something mysteriously calming about fog and when you combine it with wharves and boats, especially if you have just a little light kissing the top of the water from the morning sun, that gives an even more special feel. This scene met us as we arrived in Round Pond Harbour yesterday. It was the start of a lovely day of exploring the coastline with my friend Carol who is a local and knew all the best places to show me. I'm looking forward to more exploring before we have to leave this beautiful area.
My postings are all on my blog: .
#coastalthursday +Coastal Thursday by +David Polzine +Jon Kahn
#hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape curated by +Michael Garza +Leo Schubert +David D +Mike Hankey +Peter Marbaise +Hans-Juergen Werner +Shannan Crow
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Kevin Rowe +Toshi Nakamura +Bill Wood +Tony Phillips +Jeff Beddow +Krzysztof Hanusiak +Dennis Hoffbuhr +Dave Gaylord +Doug Hagadorn +11599924115230117728
#bellesphotos pour +Belles photos page animée par +Jean-Louis LAURENCE +Claudya Bonnet +Rando TrenteQuatre +mimiesmile b