
Joni Got Into the Game of #tonguepoker  at a Young Age

Joni Got Into the Game of #tonguepoker  at a Young Age

 Okay, the gloves are off you lot! I see your tongues and raise you a carrot. Well it's almost a tongue, so that must count?

+Philip Daly +Robin Griggs Wood +Chrysta Rae +paula contreras +Gary Paakkonen +Christin McLeod and +Steven Kennard 

#dogloversworldwide +DOG LOVERS Worldwide by +Robert SKREINER 

#hqspanimals  +HQSP Animals curated by +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith

#noapologies #bordercollie #puppy #JonisDiary  #AdayinthelifeofJoni #fansofJoni 

#fidofriday +Fido Friday by +mel peifer +Lisa Lisa +Suhaib Ayaz +Wes Lum

Playing Ball is Hot Work

Joni - Playing ball is hard work - Ellie Kennard 2014
Joni – Playing ball is hard work – Ellie Kennard 2014

It’s hot playing ball in the summer, but a border collie never worries about little inconveniences like summer heat!

New Photo Gallery “Joni the Border Collie” just created: