It’s hot playing ball in the summer, but a border collie never worries about little inconveniences like summer heat!
New Photo Gallery “Joni the Border Collie” just created:
Our pets have a special place in our lives. This is the gallery of my photographs of Joni, our Border Collie. On a browser click on a thumbnail to bring up the full size image. Play the slideshow or choose full screen option. On mobile devices just swipe left to right to navigate from image to image or use the arrows.
gonna be a winner i guess!
Wonderful shot! Thank you for sharing with +HQSP Animals! ~Bella 🙂
And what a fashy tongue it is +Ellie Kennard ..
Great shot
Our pets are always good for a tongue shot! Joni is a very cute and alert girl!
A tongue and a half I think +Ursula Klepper 😀
Hahahaha! That's a tongue!! :o)
Thank you +Rumiana Nikolova
Beautiful shot ! +Ellie Kennard
You have indeed +שלמה ארגוב and thank you so much for all of your comments.
She has, +Darla Hueske (Joni after Joni Mitchell, by the way.)
Thanks +Robin Griggs Wood
So true +Christin McLeod – and now I had better get out in between the showers and give her another game or I will be in trouble. And feed the neighbour's cats. Almost forgot in all the tongue excitement.
Thank you +Shelly Gunderson – I"m not much of a card player normally. 😉
She has, +Sumit Sen
She is pretty great, we think +paula contreras – thanks a lot.
As always she is so darn cute and with that tongue hanging out… : ))
Super,she look as if she has been polished!!!
Joni has grown! 🙂
LOL Great hand with this image!
Border Collies and their balls….don't mess with that!
So sweet!
He looks like he's been playing a good game. Cute!
Oh yes, serious indeed +Chrysta Rae – and I was surprised to see it myself. 😀
As I said many times,I like your dog
lol very serious… and that is one loooong tongue!