Abstract: Hang Gliding Over the (mini) Alps


Week 5/26

The natural artistic forces are expert at creating beauty. It can be terribly cold, with a biting wind, snow like shifting sand underfoot, and deep soft gullies that suddenly engulf you. And then you see the sculptures emerging, textured carvings being revealed. And it doesn't feel so cold. You know you are the only person in the world that will ever see this. Except that now you get to see it too.

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#BWProject26 | Curated by +Tisha Montgomery +Brandon Luk +Lauri Novak +Alison Christensen

#hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome curated by +Luis Vivanco S. +Оксана Крысюкова +Nader El Assy +Howard Salmon and +tri rini nuringtyas

#allthingsmonochrome +All Things Monochrome by +Charles Lupica +Enrique Pelaez +Brian Cox +Bill Wood +Dorian Stretton


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51 Responses

  1. +Ursula Klepper I love it that you like this image! So often when I look at relatively small things, such as this, I feel that I am as big as a giant, or hovering above the world and these are much bigger parts of a landscape below. When I looked at this it looked like a mountain range so I tried to photograph it so that it looked the way I imagined it. I continued this in my processing. I'm glad it worked for you.

  2. At the first glance I thought it was sand, I forgot that you are still buried in snow, than I thought that could also be mountains seen from the airplane … It's a gorgeous image, I love your composition and the way you processed it!

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