
A Snowy Woodland Brook Journey


A winter walk along a snow covered path through the woods has a special quality of stillness. It's a quiet made of your own muffled, almost soundless footfalls and those of the creatures who made those tiny tracks. You sense that they are hiding with held breath just out of sight under the pillowed snow beside the frozen water in the stream. Your frozen breath hangs in the air, as if afraid to fall and shatter the peace. The lowering sun makes the shadows lengthen silently through the woods, across the brook between the trees.

My posts are all on my website: www.elliekennard.ca .

#hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome curated by +Luis Vivanco S. +Оксана Крысюкова +tri rini nuringtyas and +Giuseppe Petruzzella

#hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape curated by +Peter Marbaise +Leo Schubert +Mike Hankey +Hans-Juergen Werner +Shannan Crow and +Leanne Cole

#allthingsmonochrome +All Things Monochrome by +Charles Lupica, +Enrique Pelaez, +Brian Cox, +Dorian Stretton and +Bill Wood

#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Dave Gaylord +Eric Drumm +Jeff Beddow +David D +Bill Wood +Tim Newton +Chandler L. Walker +Ronald Varley +Hamid Dastmalchi +Sylvia Ting


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My Two Boys

My Two Boys - Ellie Kennard 2015
My Two Boys – Ellie Kennard 2015

Rupert, our Cornish Rex cat has always had a special love for Steven and will sit at his feet at every meal and wait for a moment such as this when he can be snuggled right next to his face. Often Steven, even when he’s holding him is a bit distracted, but at this time I caught them both lost in each other. Rupert is 14, the cat with the sweetest personality we have ever had (and we’ve had a good few) and seems to need that close connection and affection more than ever.

I have decided not to take part in a BW project as such this year, but want to continue working in black and white and monochrome where the subject seems right for it, as in this one.

Yuri Kobayashi and "Curio"


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In Album Miscellaneous

I saw Yuri at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship in Maine. She was intent on her work but didn't mind me taking this picture of her. You can see a piece of her work "Curio" and the detail of it, posted here. I loved the way she looked, her intensity and at the same time her obvious ease as she worked at the machine. I wanted to capture a portrait of the artist at work, but also to share the art she is creating.

This was taken while I wandered around the property as Steven was setting his things up for the course he is teaching.

My photographs are all on my blog here: https://www.elliekennard.ca .

#allthingsmonochrome +All Things Monochrome by +Charles Lupica, +Enrique Pelaez, +Brian Cox, +Dorian Stretton and +Bill Wood

#monochromeworld +Monochrome World by +andi rivarola

#hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome curated by +Luis Vivanco S. +Оксана Крысюкова +Nader El Assy +Howard Salmon +tri rini nuringtyas and +Giuseppe Petruzzella

#portraitgallery +Portrait gallery by +Aamir Shahzad


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This is Stuart. He can hear Sound


Week 18/26: Sound #BWProject26 .

We first met Stuart almost 18 years ago. He is a wood turner and he was standing smiling in his booth at a craft show. His wife stepped up at once and explained that Stuart was deaf, so she showed us his work as he looked on, smiling at us and doing his best to chat. Stuart had not been born deaf but had worked as a pile driver for many years and the vibration and loud sounds had gradually eroded his hearing. His wife explained to me that when deafness is caused by noise levels, a hearing aid is not good, because it increases the sound level, which then continues to cause even more hearing loss.

We saw Stuart a few times over the years and he always remained apparently accepting of his condition, smiling when we complimented him on his work and talking about it animatedly. I since found out that he had to put up a fight to get his hearing loss accepted as being work related so that he could receive a disability pension, but he never let on to us about his discouragements or concerns, continuing to turn and produce the things he loved to make.

A few years ago, Stuart had a cochlear implant and, he was able to hear for the first time in years. It was at first a bit strange to be able to speak to him in a more or less normal voice and have him respond, but everyone was so happy for him that this treatment had helped him to hear again. At last we were able to really get to know him properly.

We were all at the annual Nova Woodturners Guild BBQ the other day, when I saw Stuart sitting there listening to the conversation with a little smile on his face in response to what was being said. Those of us with no experience of such impairment can have no idea of the pleasure he must get when he can sit and listen to a conversation going on around him again.

So Stuart is my model for 'Sound', the theme for this project this week.

My photographic posts are all on my blog : www.elliekennard.ca .

Curated by +Tisha Montgomery+Brandon Luk+Lauri Novak+Al Chris

#hqspportraits +HQSP Portraits​ curated by +Heiko Köster+Frank Nöthe

#portraitgallery +Portrait gallery​ by +Aamir Shahzad

#allthingsmonochrome +All Things Monochrome​ by +Charles Lupica​, +Enrique Pelaez​, +Brian Cox​, +Dorian Stretton​ and +Bill Wood

#monochromeworld +Monochrome World​ by +andi rivarola

#hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome​ curated by +Luis Vivanco S.+Оксана Крысюкова+Nader El Assy+Howard Salmon+tri rini nuringtyas​ and +Giuseppe Petruzzella


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