Next time you're in a garden, try a little experiment. Walk all around a flower such as this daylily. Look at it closely from every angle and see how the curve of every petal, each stamen, the pistil are all set just so one folding into another, rising out of the whole. See how the colours subtly blend, from the secret, deep almost hidden centre to the airy light softness that reaches out of the protective cup into the bright sun. How this colour is perfectly complemented by the leaves, the stem and buds. Nothing looks awkward or out of place. Nothing jars or shocks the senses. How much more beautiful can it be?
Then blend all of those views into this image of a daylily.
My posts are all on my blog: .
#hqspflowers +HQSP Flowers curated by +Melania Pierce +Kanlaya Chungsangornpornsuk +Wayne Lu +Iva Pas +kaatje jansen
#hqspphotoart +HQSP Photo Art curated by +Paul Howard +Anja Wessels
#bellesphotos +Belles photos by +Jean-Louis LAURENCE +Claudya Bonnet
and for #PhotoManiaCanada curated by my friends +Giselle Savoie +Mark HELM
#floralfriday +FloralFriday by +Tamara Pruessner +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson +Eustace James
It's something to play with when I get time +Rob Patterson and +Ellie Kennard! I do love these photos!
You are so right +Rob Patterson and Photoshop (or Gimp, for those who have it) will do a great job, once you get the hang of it. More refined and you have more control as you say.
Gosh, I love my D800!!! LOLOL Truthfully – I'm sure one has a lot more control over the final image by taking individual frames and blending them in layers in Photoshop. With the in-camera method once the image is recorded you can't change it (other that adjustments in LR or such). Good discussion, ladies. Thanks. +Ellie Kennard +Christina Lihani
Looks like we found the same thing. I wish it were already built in +Ellie Kennard. I've never downloaded a camera app before but I'll look into it more when I have time. Even so, looks like it can only blend two photos.
Sorry, +Christina Lihani – I wasn't able to see it on mobile.
I did find some info for it here:
check it out.
The Sony a6000 doesn't seem to come with that option but it looks like something that can be installed via an app from the Sony Play Memories store +Ellie Kennard. Even so, it can't do what you've described.
What photo were you looking at that showed the exif stripped out? Since I can see it on my last many photos, I'm concerned that you cannot.
+Christina Lihani I can't see from your metadata what camera you have as it seems to be stripped out. Check by searching for 'in camera multiple exposure' and your model.
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Thanks, both of you +Rob Patterson and +Ellie Kennard! I'm not sure that my new camera has this option but I'd like to explore it and find out.
+Ellie Kennard Haha!!!!! Thanks! 😀
+Rob Patterson lol I didn't leave you out as I replied here after all when I realized you wanted to know. 😃
+Ellie Kennard Oh, now I missed your second comment!! LOLOL I've been experimenting with both lately, but mostly in camera right now. 🙂
+Ellie Kennard Haha!!! Dang – left out again!!! LOLOL No prob – I'm a loose cannon on learning new things – I muddle my way through and still find some fun techniques!! LOL 😀
+Rob Patterson some of them are in camera and some are in Photoshop using blending modes, opacity variations, layer masks etc and some are a combination of both. This was in camera. It's lots of fun, for sure.
+Christina Lihani I have replied at length privatelybefore I read Rob's reply.
+Christina Lihani My Nikon D800 has a multiple exposure function. I can take up to 10 shots and it blends them in-camera. I'm sure there are some advantages of using layers in Photoshop. I'd be interested to see how +Ellie Kennard does it!!! Cool stuff, eh?
Just had to stop at this photo again +Ellie Kennard. When you blend them is it just a matter of changing the opacity on the various layers? I've not tried it yet but I am so intrigued.
I will.. shots made yesterday, maybe I'll have them ready by Monday +Ellie Kennard
It is a special day lily, +Heiko Mahr – given to me by a special person in my life. You can see it in this posting by +Steven Kennard , a macro detail here: and in one of mine here: Thanks Heiko. Ping me on yours!!
This is wonderful, and such a great purple.. Wow
My day lillies are yellow and orange and this is a great idea.
Hope they are still open when I#m home today +Ellie Kennard
+Annie Gee thank you so much. I'm so glad you like it.
Thanks a lot, +Magy Duarte 😀
Thank you for that vivid observation of the Daylily. Beautiful!!
Marvelous 😉💕
+Gary Wornell thank you so much, Gary. I'm glad you think so, too.
+Ursula Klepper thank you so much for that thoughtful comment, Ursula. And in a way the 'despite' is also 'because of' as it kind of focuses the view in a strange way. At least that's how I see it! (It's not what you see, it's the way that you see it!) Thanks again.
+Linda Villers 🙂 Thank you very much. I am so glad you like it.
+Iva Pas and +HQSP Promotion thanks a lot for the reshare and the encouragement. It's always appreciated.
+Marie-helene De Cevres merci beaucoup!!
+Shelly Gunderson thank you.
+glenda torrence thank you, Glenda. Lovely comment! Capturing all of those things is what I hoped to do.
+Linda Jess thanks very much, Linda.
+debi scott thanks a lot Debi and I hope you are feeling better. And now you know, too 😉 Blending is easier than you thought.
+Dylan Johnson thank you very much, Dylan. Better than 3D can only be good!! 😀
+Rob Patterson 😀
+Giselle Savoie thank you so much, Giselle!
Thanks, Mari +Mari Luukkonen
+Sumit Sen thanks a lot, Sumit.
+Saji Saju electrifying is great! Thanks so much Saji. 😀
+Roxanne Bouche' Overton I'm glad you like it, thanks a lot Roxanne.
+Sharon Stone thank you so much!
Stunning photo Ellie
Oh the color is fantastic, I love how all the views you describe are exactly to see here! Wonderful work Ellie! And there is so much details to see despite of all the blurrynes!
This is stunning +Ellie Kennard!
Congratulations +Ellie Kennard ! Your photo has been selected for the +HQSP Promotion theme page.
Shared by +Iva Pas.
Very cool!
Très jolie fleur
Very pretty!
You certainly captured beauty, movement, life… Fantastic!
Great photo Ellie. I love the color ..
I so want to try this. Just need to learn how to blend. I love this
Yes, and so depends on the background, too. I tried it the other day with a sunflower inside with a cluttered background. It didn't work.
Beautiful composition! In a way it is like a 3D shot, but so much more and so creative
+Ellie Kennard Yes!!!! 😊
Fabulous work my friend, love it! ♥
Awesome work! 🙂
Wow.. What a marvelous work of art. I thought it looked electrifying too.
Kind of electrifying! Very cool effect. Great colors!
+Ellie Kennard, this is fabulously beautiful!!!
+Gary Whitehouse thank you for that lovely comment 😳
+Rob Patterson isn't it fun to feel that freedom that you get from playing and getting interesting results!? ☺:-)
+Stephen Thackeray thank you my friend! Didn't we learn a lot of great 'stuff'?
+Alan Mason thank you so much, Alan.
+Eve Aebi 😃 😃 thanks! I love how it turned out. Cause you never really know, you know!
+Alex Lapidus thanks, I'm glad you think so, Alex. I had a great teacher 😉 😉
+Valerie Liney thank you very much, Valerie!
A remarkable photograph!
Wonderful!!!! I've been doing some of these and loving the abstract/impressionistic image that comes out!! 🙂
So well done +Ellie Kennard​
This is excellent +Ellie Kennard!!
Love it! It's so vibrant 🙂
So pretty.
Thanks so much +Elizabeth Lund – it is my favourite daylily.:D
Wow what a beautiful color and great blurred work +Ellie Kennard 🙂