
For Sheer Joy

For Sheer Joy - Ellie Kennard 2016
For Sheer Joy – Fuchsia – Ellie Kennard 2016

This image of a single fuchsia represents for me the distilled joy and the beauty of flowers, in particular the delicacy and transience of each bloom of the fuchsia in its short life. It reminds me of a bird taking off and of a ballerina with arms raised gracefully, about to leap into the air in the arms of her partner. It seems to radiate the sheer joy of living and life.

I hope you enjoy it and it helps to make your weekend joyful and bright! It is another in my series of multiple exposure floral images.

These multiple exposures are all on my blur gallery here

Spirea Bouquet (with Bug)

Spirea flowers in multiple exposure - Ellie Kennard 2016
Spirea flowers in multiple exposure – Ellie Kennard 2016

I love how white spirea blooms can completely fill a hedge and brighten up a late spring landscape. When the bushes are left to grow, they reach quite a height and are a mass of tiny white flowers. I tried many times (on this and other occasions) to photograph them, using my macro lens as they are very small, but a documentary photograph did not seem to do justice to the profusion of blossoms. A macro lens multiple exposure seemed to give a much better representation and it even hides a tiny bug in the middle of it (if you can see it!).

We have a hedge right in front of my kitchen window, which is where I took this photograph. All through the rest of the year we find the shrub a nuisance and threaten to pull it out, but when it is in bloom, I love to see it.

Enjoy your week everyone!

View the blur gallery below for more multiple exposure images:

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Flamboyant Petticoats of a Flamenco Dancer

Fuschia flower,Flamboyant Petticoats of a Flamenco Dancer - Ellie Kennard 2016
Fuschia flower,Flamboyant Petticoats of a Flamenco Dancer – Ellie Kennard 2016

It’s finally summer and it’s almost too hot for the cats! We have always loved to have hanging baskets by our kitchen door and this year, despite the delayed spring, we braved a rainy cold afternoon to pick out the ones for this year. There seemed to be just one choice and we hadn’t even a photograph to see what the flowers would be like. So we bought two and brought them home. They are supposed to be the same, but one of them is ‘normal’ with very pretty little red and purple flowers. This one, however, is spectacular with almost translucent petals of rich purple that seem to glow. The flowers are larger and look like the flamboyant petticoats of a flamenco dancer, with thin long stamens reaching their filaments down below like slender legs above the pale anthers. The hummingbirds are drawn to the colour and dart in and out under the blooms, finding what nectar these might hold.  To view bonus image and gallery
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Frozen Beauties


Today it's pouring with rain, dull grey and windy. The leaves have all fallen and the flowers all finished. To cheer myself and everyone else up, I am sharing this photograph of deep frozen Queen Anne's Lace. The details of the tiny flowers that make up the 'platform' of the bloom are exquisite as seen through a macro lens. The flowers are frozen in blocks of ice when they are at their peak and then are preserved until I have time to photograph them (or need freezer space)! Now the Queen Anne's lace plants are just spiky stalks denuded of their blooms, but we have these to remind us of their past (and future) delicacy and glory.

In celebration of the beauties of flowers especially as photographed through ice and with a macro lens to show fine detail, I have created a collection dedicated to this subject.

My posts are on my blog: www.elliekennard.ca .

#macro4all +Macro4All by +Bill Urwin, +Thomas Kirchen, +Walter Soestbergen
#artistphotographeramateurorprofessional +Artist , photographer , amateur or professional curated by +jany viala +Krzysztof Felczak +Chauvin Gene +Dorma Wiggin
#macroaddict (+MacroAddict) curated by +Sandrine Berjonneau, +Ruth Benjamin, +William Banik, +Magy Duarte & +Olivier Poulet
#hqspflowers +HQSP Flowers curated by +Wayne Lu +Iva Pas +10419852001929985760 +Francine Vanlé +Sonya Murray


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