02/26 – Macro
The 'macro' theme of this part of our B&W project got me thinking – macro (to me) = tiny or very close. Over the two weeks I took a close up look at lots of things by way of my macro lens and converter – parts of animals, vegetables and … minerals! Curly hairs and outstretched claws on our cats, a finely chopped onion, many other objects came under the ruthless scrutiny of my lens.Because a macro lens is brutal in what it will reveal. Do you know how much it might put you off your food if you saw a tiny hair in the chopped onion? Or can you imagine just how many specs of dust are on the claw of a cat?
My submission today is something that caught my eye yesterday, in our kitchen which is still transformed into a building site during the day. I had to ask what it was as it was obvious that each of these tiny objects would be separated from the strip. They are (for those non builders among us) nails for a nail gun. And I was told that they make them in sizes as long as this but as thin as a needle. The pencil and nail punch are there to give an idea of scale.
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#BWProject26 | Curated by +Tisha Montgomery +Brandon Luk +Lauri Novak +Alison Christensen
HQSP Macro
#hqspmacro +HQSP Macro curated by +Terrie Gray +Stefanie Schächtel +Igor Schevchenko +Ernest Fdez. +Thies Groden
HQSP Monochrome
#hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome curated by +Luis Vivanco S. +Оксана Крысюкова +Nader El Assy +Howard Salmon and +tri rini nuringtyas
Thanks a lot, +Glen Schlueter – it was an 'ah ha!' moment when I was about to photograph it and was moving the pencil out of the way…. then realized it would be great for scale.
Nice detail and love the pencil for expressing the size
Thanks a lot +Christina Lihani 🙂
+Karen Cooper – it was a challenge, for sure. I tried the usual suspects but this seemed the best choice in the end. Who would have thought that I should dust them off (air would have been better, maybe?) to get the fluff off? (not the world's greatest housekeeper, me. :D)
Thanks a lot, Karen. I was highly honoured to be endorsed by Keith as a photographer on LinkedIn. That was high praise indeed, for what that network is worth, I appreciated it.
Great shot – and great choice of subject. I know +Keith Cooper finds it difficult to find a subject small enough that's not a bug – which is the usual choice for macro photography. The detail is great, right down to the little bits of fluff on each top corner :0)
This is crazy cool +Ellie Kennard! They are so fine!
Thank you 🙂
+Greg Antikian​ thanks a lot. I didn't know when I saw the actual things, myself. 🙂
You are doing a great job, +Alison Christensen​ from what I have seen on the images I have visited. It's a great start to our year's project. You are all great moderators.
Very nice, detailed shot ! I know I wouldn't have guessed easily what it was, so thank you for the information !!
You're welcome +Ellie Kennard​, I want to be honest and make a valid comment, but not be gushy. I don't go for gushy, personally 🙂
I'm loving curating add I need to view all images; a real eye opener 🙂
You can, thanks a lot +Ursula Klepper – and you are right about tiny miracles when we look through these lenses. Just think of all the ice crystals and snowflakes we have seen on G+ and how amazing they are.
Thanks so much +Alison Christensen – that was a lovely comment. I really appreciated it.
Thank you +Giselle Savoie – mine was not taken with the same risk as yours (and I was not cold either!).
+Sumit Sen – thanks Sumit.
+Nimi Rajesh – thank you very much Nimi.
Thank you +Karthik Talla
😀 Thanks a lot Bill! +William McLean
+Heiko Mahr thanks very much Heiko!
Thanks a lot +Tisha Montgomery – I know you've been there yourself!
LOL +Hugo Burnham – your comment made me laugh aloud! Thanks, SMBAB.
+Elizabeth Lund and actually as we get along in years it gets better a better to stand back a bit! Thank you, glad you like the picture. 😀
Thank you +Mari Luukkonen I think it's not so much a girl 'thing', although the women carpenters among us would disagree (see my comment to Linda below). 😀
For sure, +John Getchel – and in more ways than just what the Macro lens shows. Maybe brad nails. I don't know.
+Gernot Glaeser – thank you!
Ha, thanks +Alan Mason – That was very pointed of you! 😀
The one lady carpenter I know who had no difficulty knowing what it was! Thanks +Linda Jess – in fact you know the whole scene well.
Thanks a lot +Diana Boyd
Wonderful Mini still life..
taken larger to life with your great macro.
Love it +Ellie Kennard
The pencil is sharp – and so is the pic- and, of course, the photographer😊
Wow superb photography… (Y)
Great study and image!
Great work!
Awesome details!
Spectacular effort this theme with all your investigations +Ellie Kennard!
This image is brilliant – I love the detail and the scale reference.
Great image with fantastic details and tones! You can also see a lot of fascination and miracles, when you watch the world through a macro lens… :o)
very sharp +Ellie Kennard , nice detail
Very nice Ellie. I had them all right even can pick out the nice garnet tile on which the are lying
+Ellie Kennard – sharp Ellie – very sharp!!
Lovely tones in your shot and most of all – er… sharp!!
Great job, +Ellie Kennard !
Great shot. I think they call those brad nails. And yes the Macro lens reveals much! Perhaps that our world is grittier than we'd like to admit…
I like it too! And would have never guessed what that was 🙂
Hehehe, yep hair, dust and all other matters that you may not want to see that close +Ellie Kennard 😀
Love this shot, great contrast and scale!
Very nice macro Ellie.
At first glance it reminded me of something from the Mission Impossible franchise. Having read your explanation it's obvious I hadn't nailed it.
Great shot, and yeah, it's amazing the things that a macro lens reveals. And sometimes scary.
Thanks a lot +Ruval Ruv
++++ i like it.