These poplar trees are not supposed to be here. We had arranged last year to have them cut down as they are mostly dead and risk, in a wind storm, falling on our car, or the barn. But the tree fellers never did turn up and cut them down. And so here they stand. This morning, their fingers of branches and twigs seemed to be conspiring with the mist to block the light of the sun. As a result, the sun had an eerie, unnatural effect. Such is life. Some of the things that hide the light are subtle and invidious, like the mist. Others are obvious and in your face. With the best will in the world, you can't always remove them, even the most obvious ones. You have to make the effort to look around and through them to see the light. Because it is there.
For #365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +11656122390215382493
#myownbackyard by +Craig Pifer
#themagicoflight +The Magic of Light by +Ray Bilcliff +Hamid Dastmalchi +Paul Stein
#close2home +Close2Home by +Brett Sivits +Rebecca Johnson +Pia Raben +Shaun Stewart +José Juan Escudero +Howard Weitzel +john adams
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Lovely black and white of color amazing
We remember them well
Thank you +Sumit Sen
We are, +Janet Patterson – and your tree is a real beauty! Poplars have always marked boundaries, for me. I do love to see them.
Thank you Heiko, my friend. 😀 +Heiko Mahr – philospher, no, but I hope I am a thinker.
Gorgeous post +Ellie Kennard your a philosopher 😉
Seems we are aligned today +Ellie Kennard. Same idea but different trees, different light. These poplars seems to have way too many fingers for a dead or dying tree. It will be sad to see them go.
Beautiful capture!
I love them, in a way, +Donna McClure – but the danger is real, so they have to go.
It could be a creepy image with all the dead trees. I can see why you would want them gone.
Thanks so much Ursula. Glad you like it.
+Steve Barge – thank you!
Wow – fantastic!
They look really spooky, mysterious in that light! Great shot!
Thanks so much, +Darcee McCutcheon
That's beautiful light, +Ellie Kennard
Thanks a lot +Dale Atkinson
I agree, +Jo A. Alderman – it's what made the scene for me, too 🙂
Thanks very much +José Juan Escudero
Wonderful tree silhouettes, love the sky tone. Thanks for share with #close2home
I like the picture regardless of the fact the trees didn't get cut down………
:)) love