Summer Memories to Banish Winter Blues


4 of 5 #naturephotochallenge

After the cold wintry (and a little sad) post of yesterday I wanted to share something that made me feel warm and happy. A memory of a summer past, this one was taken in Maine a few years ago in the garden of a friend. We were just about to set out to visit the wonderful public gardens near where she lived and just as we were about to get into the car, I saw the beauty that was just at my feet. Summer will arrive and with it, all the beautiful flowers and creatures. I hope this makes you feel all warm with the thought of what is to come.

I have been challenged by my friend +Tom Crews​​​​​ to participate in a 5-day Nature Challenge. I have been asked to post one nature photo each day for 5 days – in my case not consecutive. I am asked to name a new challenger on each of my 5 days. Today I am challenging my friend +Janet Patterson​​​​​ to join me in this. Just post one nature photo a day for 5 days. Tag me in it, use the hash tag #naturephotochallenge and nominate someone else on each of the days.

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#hqspanimals +HQSP Animals​​​​​ curated by +Alejandro J. Soto​​​​​ +Krystina Isabella Brion​​​​​ +Andy Smith​​​​​
#inpraiseofpollinators ++In Praise of Polllinators​​​​​ by +Dusty Gedge​​​​​
#bellesphotos +Belles photos​​​​​ by +Jean-Louis LAURENCE​​​​​ +Claudya Bonnet​​​​​
#naturemonday +NatureMonday​​​​​ by +Rolf Hicker​​​​​ +Jen Baptist​​​​​


Check this out on Google+

33 Responses

  1. LOL +Tom Crews​!
    Pain of winter? Or pain of challenge? Whichever, you are right. Although I have enjoyed it. The biggest challenge is nominating someone who has not done it, or is not in the middle of it.
    And thanks for your kind comment.

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