Rustabelle Louise came over with her young owner yesterday looking very fresh and clean, straight from the groomer's. She was hoping to play with Joni. I couldn't resist this for the doggy themes today! She is a labradoodle and lives across the road from us, so is a regular playmate for Joni. Joni tries to herd her, of course.
#dogloversworldwide +DOG LOVERS Worldwide by +Robert SKREINER
#hqspanimals +HQSP Animals curated by +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith
#fidofriday +Fido Friday by +mel peifer +Lisa Lisa +Suhaib Ayaz +Wes Lum
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
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Awe so sweet !!!! :-))))
What beautiful eyes and eye contact in this image +Ellie Kennard
Lovely very photogenic
What a cute impression
so cute!
What a pretty friend Joni has
Aww she is so adorable !! Pretty little girl
What a lovely expression 🙂
Goodnight to all♡♡♡.
Sweeeeet! :o)
May everyone have a blessing, safe weekend♡♡♡.
I'm having a blessing day♡♡♡.
Thanks +RELONDA TURNER SMITH – I hope you are too!
You, are so welcome. Are you having a great day? ♡♡♡
+Ellie Kennard Perfect when you have somebody who can look after your pets !
+Anil Atluri 🙂
Thanks +Shelly Gunderson – I'm not sure if she likes it, but don't think they asked her.
Thank you +Krystina Isabella Brion – it's my pleasure to share with the theme. And thank you again for the reshare.
She is +Susanne Stelle – when needed we look after each other's dogs, letting them out for a run, so we have got to know her.
Thanks +Sharon Stone
+שלמה ארגוב – thanks
+Lisa Lisa – thanks so much.
She is +Sunny Wu
Oh yes, indeed, +Sweety Shekhar
Cutee pie !!
cute dog
very nice!
Very adorable!!!
+Ellie Kennard He really looks sweet !
Beautiful portrait! Thank you for sharing with +HQSP Animals! 🙂 Bella
She's very cute! Love the bandanna!