Just Across the Road-134/365

We have lived here for 17 years and the day before yesterday was the first day I discovered this lovely spot. It is at the foot of the neighbour's garden and I had never gone down there. Yesterday evening there was a lovely warn evening light. This is a view looking back up towards the village.

#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton

HQSP Landscape  curated by  +Anja Wessels +Hallie Guilfoyle +Michael Garza +Nader El Assy +Vinod Krishnamoorthy +Luca Ferroglio +midori chan #hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape

#bellesphotos +Belles photos by +Jean-Louis LAURENCE +Claudya Bonnet

#landscapephotography +Landscape Photography +Landscape Photography Show +Margaret Tompkins +Jim Warthman +Kevin Rowe +Johan Peijnenburg +David Heath Williams +Tom Hierl +Carolyn Lim +Howard L. Smith +Kai Kosonen +Sheila B. DuBois +Toshi Nakamura +David Pilasky +Bill Wood 

27 Responses

  1. No, I don't think I have, but I have eaten it cooked, as you might cook spinach. These are the first I have seen here. I didn't know they existed (although I did have some given to me in a vegetable box from a nearby farm, but I thought maybe they had specially grown them.)

  2. It was lovely and clear, that's true, Ursula – and we have the same evening tonight. It was 27 degrees yesterday and I didn't look today, but it was definitely warm again. I will for sure be back there. 
    Apart from anything else, if you zoom in to that image, you will see stinging nettles, and I have never seen those here. They are very good for joint problems. I am going to ask if I can pick some. 😀 +Ursula Klepper 

    Thanks +D Stuart  – I have never seen anyone fishing, but then they do fish on the shore, which is not far away. I'm glad you liked it.

  3. This is a wonderful image of this beautiful place! The light is so lovely, it must have been a clear air, that you can see so far in the distance. I guess it will not be the last time you've been there …. :o)

  4. Thanks +Shelly Gunderson – it is actually 2 minutes walk just down at the end of my drive (hidden behind trees, to be fair… :D)

    +Lynn David Newton If I stand on a ladder I can probably see it. Sea waters as in salt water, but in the Minas Basin which is off the Bay of Fundy. The actual Atlantic ocean is about 1 hour drive away, on the other side.

    It is lovely, thanks, +Hugo Burnham – I hope I can trespass on it again from time to time. They said they don't mind. 🙂

    It was, Becky. +Becky Humphreys 

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