Joni at 9 Months Old


Joni has come a long way from the photograph of her that you see at the beginning of this album. Not only has she grown so that she looks almost adult, but she is (mostly) obedient enough to be able to walk with us off her leash, in the woods and on the beach at least. She doesn't exactly walk to heel (not at all, to be honest unless she is on the leash) but she runs and walks a little way ahead before pausing and turning to see if we are coming along behind her. She will wait if I tell her to and will even sit when I ask, even though I am not nearby. If she thinks she knows where we are going she will sometimes run too far ahead, so this is something we have to work on, but generally she is getting better and better all the time.

Here you see her at 9 months old, sitting up on the top of a bank in the woods. As part of the obedience exercises I practice with her, she will run up the bank and sit and wait until I tell her that she can come down and carry on along the path. The way I taught her to do that was by running up and down the bank myself until she caught on. I leave you to imagine that. She has been running through the damp fields and woods as you can see, but that is what a dog loves to do.

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69 Responses

  1. Thanks a lot +Ursula Klepper it is hard to believe for sure. She is getting so well trained and such a pleasure to walk.
    You're the only person to mention the profile pic as I didn't share it formally. I'm glad you like it. :-))
    Hugs back to you, too. I miss seeing you around and really appreciate your comments when you can come by.

  2. Yes….he was a wonderful friend. It broke my heart to have him put to sleep. ….he wasn't a pet he was family. …I just lost my black lab to cancer in December he was as a love bug too…..I still have a 18 year old cat…she is deaf, but the vet says still healthy. Also a pet squirrel who is 3 now he is a beautiful, but spoiled rotten

  3. I guess the other note I wrote did not, appear anywhere ?
    I mean the one, I typed out advising you that the Kennard name, I had not seen since the early 50ezz.
    In Broken Arrow,Oklahoma.

  4. +Artie Cotner – well it may be that she does, but I'm quite certain that no one has come along and changed her in the night at some point! 😉
    She was born on December 1st 2013. So she was 9 months old when this picture was taken. Take a close look and you will see that her tail is still not fully grown out. And she has a very slim figure that is not yet mature (not very easy to see here, admittedly).
    She has an old collar on, perhaps that what you are looking at?

  5. +patty crane they are very special dogs. I understand completely. We lost our last one in October (after only 13 years) and didn't last 4 months before we missed her too much and gave in. When we got this one the house was suddenly filled with fun (and chewed things) again.

  6. My son had a Border Collie from working stock in Nevada. We loved him and he loved us for 16 years. He "worked " fetching anything from pine cones to water from the hose to snow from the shovel. I still miss that guy. He was the best dog I've ever known. Miss you, Niles.
    Your Joni is so beautiful. How fortunate she is to be in your lives.

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