This is a Bumblebee (Patience Pays Off) (115/365)

Today I tried another tactic: I just sat there, in the patch of periwinkle flowers with the camera ready and waited. I hoped that at some point one or more of these little creatures would come within range of my lens. As I was already sitting there, I would already be at the right level and would just need to focus wherever they were. The light kept changing from brilliant sun to shadow as the sun came and went behind the clouds, so I switched from manual to AV and let the camera do the adjustments on the fly (get it? 😉 )

So my patience paid off. I love the way the fur on his little back is so neatly combed. I chose this one for this reason, while another I took showed amazing long hairs on little legs that you can't see at this angle. How shiny his legs are. 

HQSP Natural Other #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Daniel Taylor +Joakim Hagen Abrahami +Stefanie Schächtel
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
+In Praise of Polllinators  curated by  +Dusty Gedge #inpraiseofpollinators ++In Praise of Polllinators
Bee Thursday  curated by  +Dorothy Pugh #BeeThursday +Bee Thursday
Bug Anatomy  curated by  +Jean-Yves Casalis +Chris Mallory #BugAnatomy +Bug Anatomy
Buggy Friday  curated by  +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +Dorothy Pugh #BuggyFriday +Buggy Friday
Buggy Lunch  curated by  +Mandy Allen +Kim Sinclair #insectpredationscenes +Buggy Lunch

29 Responses

  1. +Pam Wolfe – thanks a lot!

    Thanks +Sumit Sen

    +שלמה ארגוב 😀

    +Mandy Allen – I think I took these tags from the which is run by +Philip Daly – you are right, the buggylunch hashtag has been removed and that is the one that remains. He will be the one to change it. I am only responsible for the calendar ones. and they are correct there. Thanks, by the way!

    Yes, I was really pleased at that, +Kim Sinclair – thanks!

    +Becky Humphreys – so sweet the way you describe it. Such a perfect creature. 😀

    Thank you +Ray Bilcliff and you are very welcome!

    I'm so glad you like it, thak you +Mari Luukkonen (and I am not normally a patient person, being rather fidgety, so it was a special effort.)

    Thanks a lot +Tatiana Parmeeva – indeed it is.

  2. Well done and a lovely capture, Ellie!
    Can I ask why you used #insectpredationscenes  instead of the  #buggylunch  hashtag though? I did ask someone somewhere on one of these off G+ lists of themes to remove the many hashtags they had for us that had no relation to what our theme is about, and told them the theme was about insect predation scenes. Maybe they removed the buggy lunch hashtag by mistake and you've taken your info from that place?

  3. Oh Ellie I am so behind with reading all your posts and I didn't yet read your blog … 🙁  I was so buzzy to get all my shots for the hunt, one week left till the dedline. But I just started now to get through my email notifications, so I'll go now straight to your blog! :o)

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