The Sun Breaking Through – 9/365

This scene of snowy winter fields, glazed from the recent rain and subsequent sudden drop in temperature was suddenly brought to life this morning when the light began to break through the clouds in rays. This made the icy fields beside the river suddenly gleam and light up behind the ragged corn stubble above. Zooming in will show you the little winding river, completely frozen over, which is the same one featured on day 7 of the project, where you see the much wider river mouth as it empties into the tidal dykes. You probably wouldn't have as much fun skating on this little meandering section.

#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton

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#Canada #NovaScotia #NovaScotiaLandscapes

18 Responses

  1. I can almost see my house from there. Ok not really but its a view I recognize. We are fortunate to have such diverse interests in such beautiful settings. The Annapolis Valley is the jewel of Nova Scotia.

  2. This has a very painterly look and feel to it +Ellie Kennard  which suits both the mood and the subject.  The sky as usual steals the show but I like the contrast in colour and texture that the corn stubble provides.  Another great capture.

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