Project 52 B&W
Week 39 – Flowing
#P52BW13 | +Project 52 B&W
Curated by +Tisha Craw, +Susan Porter, & +Lauri Novak
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I have written so often about friends and friendship … but I make no apology for doing so. Friends enrich our lives, fill us with joy, allow us to share their happinesses and their sadnesses as they share in ours. Friends just know when you need that special something to make you feel better. They visit, or they telephone or hangout. Or they share virtual things such as messages and flowers
And then we have friends who live nearby and make a secret visit in the evening when all is quiet and who creep up and leave a bunch of flowers on the doorstep. Then, when Joni won’t stop barking and we go to see what is going on, there is that surprise, all bright and cheerful and carrying the message “We love you!”. Thank you Katheryn and Norma. I know it was you two!