

Hydrangea Serrata “Bluebird”

This was one of those times when I was so happy to have had my camera with me! We had stopped in to a hardware store and I decided to wander around outside at first. It was terribly windy, very overcast and I didn’t hold out much hope that I would find anything of interest. There seemed to be just a line of green leafy bushes against the bricks. Then I saw these, nestled against the building and almost hidden among the leaves. The plant is a hydrangea Serrata “Bluebird”. The flowers were so light and airy and seemed to be flying around in the breeze. I hope they make you as happy today as I was to see them. Have a lovely Saturday or whatever day you see this on. I send my love out to all my friends with this Bluebird!

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Black-Eyed Susans Lighting up the Shadows

Black-Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia_hirta) lighting up the undergrowth - Ellie Kennard 2016
Black-Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia_hirta) lighting up the undergrowth – Ellie Kennard 2016

Life has become hectic as we prepare for the winter. Night is coming earlier and earlier and even during the day the clouds, whipped by the winds will darken the sky before releasing their chilly rains. The summer really has finished, but despite all of that, if you look into their secret hiding places behind bushes and in sheltered areas, you will find these bright splashes of light to cheer the gloomiest day. I hope you enjoy these sunny little wild flowers and that they brighten your day.

See more floral images on my Flora gallery. https://www.elliekennard.ca/ekgallery/flora/