

An orange, yellow and white daylilly that has curled petals with crinkled edges is lit by the late afternoon warm glow. The crisp staments and anther have their shadows cast on one of the petals. The centre is a deep warm yellow and there are other buds behind and on the bottom right. The tone behind is a green mauve, with stems and buds out of focus.

It’s been a while. It’s been a while since I felt motivated to photograph flowers as I did during my Flower a Day project. The problem is that somehow I stopped seeing the beauty that was there in front of me. I guess I just stopped looking for it. I seemed to have no motivation for so many things, photography being just one of them. Lack of motivation is a powerful force that can bring you down in so many ways, robbing you of joy and purpose. Steven knew what was missing and suggested that I pick up the project again. I argued at first, thinking that I had already done it; that everyone would be bored if I posted flower photos again. Then I inwardly shrugged and picked up the camera and my little vintage Russian Helios 44-2 lens and walked into the garden in that late afternoon a couple of days ago. And right in front of me there shone the beauty of this ‘common’ day lily, looking so glorious in the warm golden light that I actually felt that stirring of motivation. So here we are, with one more Flower a Day to hopefully bring some joy to some who view this and can see in this flower what I saw.

In case you wonder if this will be the end of it or if I can continue being motivated… I will give you the hint that I have more flower photographs in mind to post, so, just watch this space!

You can see this enlarged and the other flowers as I post them here: https://www.elliekennard.ca/ekgallery/flower-a-day-2024/

Late Bloomer

A pink rose is fully in bloom, with petals very slightly curling and drooping. Some of the veined petals are beginning to brown a tiny bit. from the frosts they have had. There is a new, deep pink rosebud with opening green sepals, showing promise of another bloom. The background is a dark green of the indiscernable leaves behind.
Late bloomer

This one I could not resist! It was taken today, in the below freezing late fall weather. This beautiful rose bush was featured more than once in my Flower a Day project, so today when I knew I would be seeing it, I made sure to have my camera with me, and I wasn’t disappointed. It does seem unlikely, that such fragile blooms would be so cold hardy, but I really got a lift seeing all the bright roses and in particular this lovely bloom along with the promise of another to come. I hope you all have a bright day.

You can visit my Flowers Gallery here, to see more blooms.

Moth and Sunset

A moth is on a pink and yellow dahlia flower. The dahlia has toothed petals on the interior, with yellow tips. The outside large ones are a simple point, pink and pale pink. The moth is brown and dark brown with a few black marks.

To wish you a good Friday. Although I suspect this little moth (possibly a cabbage looper) is chewing through my brassicas, I couldn’t resist photographing it on this lovely dahlia flower. Breaking off from doing accounting work which was pressing, I wandered outside saw this and caught it on my phone. I hope you all have a lovely Friday!

After a day of frustration I got out for a quick evening walk and I was rewarded with this scene, also on my phone, so I leave you with it and hope your weekend is a good one.

A dark grey cloudy sky has ripples of clouds interspersed with red markings along the edges. The horizon has various trees interspersed along the ridge, while behind it is a gold patch.
Sunset on the ridge

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To see the Landscapes gallery tap or click here