It’s been a while. It’s been a while since I felt motivated to photograph flowers as I did during my Flower a Day project. The problem is that somehow I stopped seeing the beauty that was there in front of me. I guess I just stopped looking for it. I seemed to have no motivation for so many things, photography being just one of them. Lack of motivation is a powerful force that can bring you down in so many ways, robbing you of joy and purpose. Steven knew what was missing and suggested that I pick up the project again. I argued at first, thinking that I had already done it; that everyone would be bored if I posted flower photos again. Then I inwardly shrugged and picked up the camera and my little vintage Russian Helios 44-2 lens and walked into the garden in that late afternoon a couple of days ago. And right in front of me there shone the beauty of this ‘common’ day lily, looking so glorious in the warm golden light that I actually felt that stirring of motivation. So here we are, with one more Flower a Day to hopefully bring some joy to some who view this and can see in this flower what I saw.
In case you wonder if this will be the end of it or if I can continue being motivated… I will give you the hint that I have more flower photographs in mind to post, so, just watch this space!
You can see this enlarged and the other flowers as I post them here: https://www.elliekennard.ca/ekgallery/flower-a-day-2024/