Purple Aquilegia : Frozen in Time

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This was the photograph that I shared for the BW project for the theme 'Bubbles'. My friend +Ursula Klepper asked to see this in colour and I have to say I do prefer it showing the rich colour of the miniature double aquilegia flowers with the deep yellow stamens.

Why not try freezing flowers or fruit, or….? It can be very addictive and is a perfect occupation for a hot summer day! There is a community dedicated to the fun called "Freeze it Photograph it", here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107337572996687972080

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#hqspflowers +HQSP Flowers curated by +Melania Pierce +Kanlaya Chungsangornpornsuk +Wayne Lu +Iva Pas +kaatje jansen
#flower #floralfriday #freezeitshootit #frozenflowers #icephotography #freezeitphotographit


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42 Responses

  1. +Dylan Johnson thank you. Don't worry if your flowers are finished. Someone mentioned Trader Joe's? I think they always have something. Otherwise… fruit… the possibilities are not really limited, sometimes our imagination needs a bit of a push to get us started is all. 😀

  2. +Sandra Nesbit didn't we learn to be enterprising in having our fun? I am really glad that our enthusiasm has leaked over the edges of the mentorship and is inspiring others to try these things too. 😀 I look forward to seeing yours when you get home.

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