Ontario Autumn Fields

I spent a grey day in Ontario driving around the area that I had briefly lived in, when I was in my teens. As I drove back towards Galetta, I suddenly saw these bright sumac leaves and the red bushes behind, nicely framing the pale, newly harvested fields. I reversed the car back up the road to be able to photograph it.

I drove around to try to take the photograph when the sky was not quite so dull, but I never found the spot again. I wish the countryside still looked like this… but it will be pretty with all the snow soon, no doubt.

I might not be making many submissions for a while as I go for eye surgery on Monday, but I didn't want to miss the #farmfriday  posting today. +Farm Friday is, of course curated by +Steven Kennard and +Sofie Løve Forsberg and myself +Ellie Kennard.
and for
+HQSP Landscape  curated by  +Claire Jennings +Terrie Gray +Michael Thomas Jeppesen +Hallie Guilfoyle +Karol Drozd +Sebastian T. +Stefan Kierek +Michael Garza +Anja Wessels #hqsplandscape
#landscapephotography +Landscape Photography +Landscape Photography Show +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +Jim Warthman +Kevin Rowe +jeff beddow +Tom Hierl +Carolyn Lim +Tom Sloan +Howard L. Smith +Jack Stepanyan +Kai Kosonen +Tony Heyward +Sheila B. DuBois +Sandra Brown

31 Responses

  1. Thank you! Come on in +Rosann Clements – the `water`s`lovely! Why not think of joining a daily photo project like this one +G+ 365 Project  : https://plus.google.com/u/0/100592274381408887512/about
    That really got me started in taking my photography seriously. 
    And watch for the posts by the +G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers and make sure you try to sign up for mentorships as they are announced (hint: read carefully to see what the criteria are, so you can start to fit into them, well in advance of the announcements….)
    Have fun!

  2. +Fareed Ansari – thanks!
    Thank you +Margaret Tompkins 
    Thanks a lot +Sumit Sen 
    +HQSP Landscape and +Michael Garza – thank you so much and thank you also for sharing with the page! Thanks for the kind wishes.
    And Bill I also well appreciate your kind thoughts. I'll be keeping one eye on things in any case, you know me! Thanks friend. +William McLean 
    Thank you very much +Karen Cooper – and thanks also for the good wishes. I am sure it will go smoothly!
    +Derek Trixie Kennard – as always, thanks very much.

  3. Another nice one Ellie, you are great at spotting the scenes.
    Trust the op will go well and you will, be back posting and keeping us all on our toes really soon.
    Thanks for sharing and all the best from Kinlochard.

  4. My best thoughts and wishes are with you and I hope so much that you will be able to see again clear after it!!! My warmth <<hugsspoonshugs>> :o)
    I love the red shiny leaves in this image!

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