If you like posting to themes, you might consider posting to one of the ones listed here. The HQSP group of themes are some of the most supportive and encouraging that I have discovered. One (HQSP Natural Other) is mentioned below, but there is a theme for almost every image you might come up with. Check them out.
For my #365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
and for the amazingly supportive #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes +Daniel Taylor and +Jean-Noel Nicolas
#fungusfriday +Fungus Friday by +101291
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nice background too! Lovely white.
Thank you for your nice comment, +Gisela Heeg
Great photo… +Ellie Kennard
Thanks very much +Sumit Sen
Love it +Robt. J. Moore II! 🙂
Great way to describe it, +Janet Patterson
Thank you very much +Nimi Rajesh
+HQSP Natural Other – thank you so much for that lovely comment and for the reshare, which I truly appreciate. You guys are such great supporters of G+ photographers, as I said in my post!
Fascinating and most unusual.
Fantastic capture +Ellie Kennard Thank you for your awesome contribution to +HQSP Natural Other; and as a result, this outstanding photo of yours has been selected for the +HQSP Promotion page .
Great Work, well done :))
Kindest Regards
Jean-Noel Nicolas
Isn't nature wonderful,we don't look close enough most of the time
Yes, really interesting patterns and intricacy, thank you for sharing!
I, too, think that plant life is fascinating +Ellie Kennard and I look at lichen as a land-loving coral – lovely colours, diverse patterns and shapes with an endless variety of host sites..
I'm lichen it!
Lovely capture!
you're welcome 🙂
Thanks a lot +Monica Jimenez
+Ursula Klepper – that's what I thought. 😀
Wow! as if they were underwater seaweeds!