Happy International Kitten Day!

Happy International Kitten Day - Ellie Kennard 2016
Happy International Kitten Day – Ellie Kennard 2016

You didn’t know it was International Kitten Day? Well when you have a cute pile of kittens like this, every day is International Kitten Day. And when the kittens are just next to your bedroom in a bed and breakfast, your holiday just doesn’t get any better!

I’m back from my vacation time and have lots of photos of our trip to share as well as stories waiting to be told. I also have a new project I’m planning to share with you all very soon. What does this have to do with kittens? Not a thing, but who needs an excuse to share photo of cute kittens? Not me.


41 Responses

  1. +Ellie Kennard​​ Most welcome dear Ellie. I will remove my comments concerning my product from this particular post. Thanks for kindly letting me know.

    Sincerely Yours
    Alexander Madani

  2. +Alex M thank you very much. Please will you edit your comment to remove your reference to your product as comments on G+ are not the place for promotion of your personal products etc. I'm sure you understand.

  3. +Lynn David Newton you know, I wish it were true! From what I have heard, at least 30% of internet traffic is aimed at a different kind of picture altogether, I am just so glad for the happy ones that make us all feel good! Thanks Lynn.

    Thanks +Adéla Lapčíková

    Thank you so much +Ursula Klepper – I did enjoy it. 😀

    +Hugo Burnham – you will be the first to see it (if you are online) when it happens. But you know how long it takes me to get things ready…

    +HQSP Animals and +Andy Smith thank very much for resharing this image. I appreciate it a lot.

  4. Awwwwwww, Ellie. So cute. I’m getting exciting about your new and mysterious “project”. Any hints?

    1. Thanks so much Sandra! Well… for hints… put it this way, it involves more than one kind of media. But probably not the kind that springs to mind, unless I am mistaken… but that’s all for now. 😀

  5. Adorable. Thank you so much for sharing this dear Ellie.

    Sincerely Yours
    Alexander Madani
    Developer of
    EZ Notes – Organizing made EZ

  6. Great photo Ellie such precious little creatures. Was so glad our guy was here when we came back.

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