Joni and the Beaver
Joni had lost her blue ball. She was feeling pretty miserable as this was her absolute favourite toy and no other ball was the same. The new beaver toy with three satisfying squeakers in it consoled her for a little while. She had been told that she was not allowed to play on the chair. But she was pretty sure she would get away with it by putting on her cutest look and bringing the beaver up to cuddle. The happy ending to the story is that her blue ball was found under the furniture, so life for us all could go back to normal.
The rest of the photographs of Joni in this album have been published previously but are a great record from the first day she arrived home with us. I have more unseen photographs to add to the album over the days to come. Enjoy the new Joni album!
#dogloversworldwide +DOG LOVERS Worldwide by +Robert SKREINER +Roswitha Böhmer +Thomas Henry
#hqspanimals +HQSP Animals curated by +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith
#noapologies #bordercollie #puppy #JonisDiary #AdayinthelifeofJoni #fansofJoni
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I had the same issues in the beginning with the API code and Daniel Treadwell helped me to fix it. I am sure he will help you also to get it to run! Good luck!! :o)
+Ursula Klepper – I have it installed on my blog but it cannot get the posts. I have emailed +Daniel Treadwell in the hopes that he might be able to help me, but it seems that the API code is not right – that's the error message I am getting. I am not sure how to fix it so that it is able to collect the posts from G+.
No need to apologise my dear Ursula! I only just asked you this afternoon. My website is not yet ready. It does look excellent! I am going to plan to do this. Thanks so much +Ursula Klepper
Hi Ellie, sorry for being so late, I had rehersal this evening. Here is the link: http://gpb.minimali.se/google+blog/ by +Daniel Treadwell. hopefully it works! I took the free version. xoxo
I would like the link for it, thank you +Ursula Klepper – I have just bought my own domain again (elliekennard.ca but it is not yet live) and I think I might do what you suggest.
I use this plugin with the Word Press site. Let me know if you want the link for it. :o)
Thanks so much +Ursula Klepper – and I hope you enjoyed your visit. I used to use a plugin that posted my G+ content to my blog, but my blog got hacked and I had to disable it. I was not sure where the problem was and decided not to use it again. I might think of doing that again, though, with a new URL.The old one was not in a name anyone recognized, so not as good as using my own name. I had lots of stories on there, too, shame to lose them all. 😀
sorry for the late answer Ellie, we are visiting this weekend Bernd's parents.
I know what you mean about bloging. I just did it to keep them together, at that time I didn't knew G+. But recently I've heard about a plugin that does import automatically all posts from G+ to the blog you are using. I try to build a new websiter for my photography and used this plugin to try it, and it works quite well.
+Mari Luukkonen – I do hope so! Her fanclub is building rapidly!
+Susanne Stelle – smiles is what we are aiming for as this is supposed to be a 'feel good' album. I'm glad it worked for you.
Thanks dear Heiko, that is such a lovely thing to say. I love sharing her with you all. 😀 +Heiko Mahr
I wish you the same, +Gisela Heeg – and in this case it's the next weekend! Thank you very much.
Yes, she is a border collie, +Emma Runte – they are lovely, aren't they?
+Christina Lihani – she gets away with a lot from me, for the same reason, but then she knows where her boundaries are…. clever, they are. 😀
Thanks so much again, +Robert SKREINER and +DOG LOVERS Worldwide as well as +Roswitha Böhmer and +Thomas Henryc your continued support and encouragement is so much appreciated. Thank you for sharing my image on the page.
Thanks +Shannon Adelson
Oh yes, +Elizabeth Lund more #picsofjoni than you can imagine! And they will keep coming, at least I hope so. 🙂
Thanks a lot +Carl Witmer
+Ursula Klepper – your blog of your puppies was just adorable! I think you are right, it would be good to keep a kind of blog of Joni's growing up. So I am copying the postings for each photograph onto the actual photograph. A blog is fine, but I won't get many people read it and I know that I hate to leave G+ to read a blog, especially as I usually can't comment easily on it. And yes, they do know how to look. 😀
+Shelly Gunderson – obviously I can't LOL!
Thanks +Sumit Sen
+Bill K – thank you.
I have told her to keep it specially, +Linda Villers 🙂
Thank you so much +Tanya Stollznow
Lovely dog and photo! +Ellie Kennard
selected for #dogloversworldwide by +Robert SKREINER
& +Roswitha Böhmer & +Thomas Henry
Also shared at the page: +DOG LOVERS Worldwide
Wonderful pup and great photo! +Ellie Kennard
Have you ever thought about doing a blog with all the posts of Joni? (Or you could move all the posts you already have inside this album.)
A few years ago our dog Mira had 6 puppies and at that time I wrote every day in this blog:
http://miras-welpen.blogspot.de/search/label/03.%20Die%20dritte%20Woche …it's long ago …
Oh my goodness! With that look she'd get away with anything with me! Glad the blue ball was found!
Is that a border collie becase i lovi it so cute
Who can resist this view, wish you a nice weekend .. +Ellie Kennard
Aww.. ohe and aww again..
That album is fantastic +Ellie Kennard
Marvellous works each of the image in there.. and wonderful to see them all
+Ellie Kennard. A wonderful album which really brings a smile to my face. Lovely shots and such a cute dog !
Oh my! I'll there are even more fans after this! So cute and wonderful!
Another beautiful shot +Ellie Kennard
So adorable, hope she'll still have all that cuteness by the time we come this summer!
🙂 Very cute!
How can you resist that face! LOL So sweet!
She certainly knows how to melt your heart away! They do exactly know how to look, don't they :o) gorgeous album!
She is so pretty !
Oh goody 😀
aww, what an adorable shot