Sometimes, on cold winter nights, there is nothing to do but sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth radiating onto your back. Rupert is Cornish Rex and is coat is naturally short like that and curly. They always have lovely slim, svelte bodies.
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
#catsallovertheworld by +Robert SKREINER
& +Gemma Costa +CATS all over the World
HQSP Animals curated by +Anja Wessels +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith #hqspanimals +HQSP Animals
+Cornish Rex #cornishrexcats curated by +Ellie Kennard
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I think so, on both counts, +Heiko Mahr
It looks like he love the oven as much as you love it.. and he knows that he is an adorable model +Ellie Kennard
+Shelly Gunderson – the one is usually found by the other at this time of year. The fireplace heats the house, so is always alight now.
Thanks +Khrystiane Friedli – and a happy +CATURDAY! to you! (belated)
+Christina Lihani – we love him a lot.
🙂 +Jeunar Walter
Rupert is not too bad with Joni, the puppy and I think they will be good friends. But at the moment it's a good thing that he can escape to safety as Joni is pretty rambunctious, and a little too heavy to be landing on cats. +Scott Ormond – hope Charlie is well.
Cats always know how to look most elegant and to be photographed at their best. +Jacqueline Hodsdon – I am sure they choose the most complimentary spots to sit in case camera is near by. 🙂
Rupert is a natural model and doesn't mind any part of being photographed. +Ursula Klepper – he is the best cat, the most talkative and the most loving. He always has time to sit by the fire (or curl up in his heated bed). He has his priorities sorted out right.
Oh Rupee you are back in the picture, guess Joni has some stiff competition!!
Nice and warm
Oh those big eyes!! He seems to be not so amused about beying flashed … :o) … nothing to do and sit by the fire … how cosy! … I have always something to do, lol! :o)
A very beautiful photo and I love how Rupert splendidly blends with all the lovely warm colors. 🙂
How does Rupert like the puppy?
Light my fire.
Beautiful and regal cat +Ellie Kennard!
Happy +CATURDAY!! 🙂
Love your fireplace! The cat is nice too. 😉