I drove on beyond the town and over the bridge on the Aboiteau road to get this angle on the town. There were no skaters anywhere on that river. What a shame. (Mind you, it was windy and felt bitterly cold, although it was much warmer than the -22 degrees we had the other day.)
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♥♥♥ +Annette Junge Daugaard – thanks!
🙂 ♥ ~❤❤❤~ ♥ 🙂
Those were the days, +Janet Patterson – I'm sure we skated together in our youth. Thanks 😀
Thank you +Sumit Sen – perhaps a far cry from your surroundings at the moment.
Good for you +Heiko Mahr – we would get you a chair to hold onto and push on the ice while you got your balance! And a doctor standing by in case you didn't!!
+Janice Hackney – sad, but so true. Or worse.
Thanks +Carole Surey – it has a special quality in the winter.
wow isn't the light wonderful?!
I'd love to skate on there too, it looks wonderful.
This is absolutely gorgeous, Ellie, but i lament the lost of the skaters, too. They are probably playing a skating video game :/
Beautiful scene in the winter,I only remember it in the summer,colours are so pretty this time of year
and I would need some doctor afterwards as I can't skate at all..but for your and a good laugh I would dare it
Beautifully captured!
Lovely bright light and subtle colours here +Ellie Kennard not to mention the 'S' curve which draws the viewer in. I agree with the old man that the river looks very inviting for a little skate. Would love to give it a try.
No such luck on the snowfront Ellie…French Creek is flowing smoothly and is scattered with the very last remnants of Salmon carcasses from the Autumn's run with so many Bald Eagles and Eaglets it would make your head spin! No skating here I'm afraid!
We do, +Sofie Løve Forsberg – thanks!
+Stuart Dyckhoff – thanks so much fellow landscape mentee. Certainly -22 is chilly. The S shape also leads to the building with a red roof, which was my plan, as it pulls your eye in. The building is a semi-monstrosity but you don't notice it from here. We call it Wako.
I felt absolutely frozen tonight as the winds were horribly strong. I was glad to get indoors.
Thanks, Sir Martin – I look forward to seeing yours, as always! +Martin Matejic
+Lindi Smith – for sure, perhaps you are having some where you are too?
I do hope so for you, +Mari Luukkonen – and thanks for the comment.
My pleasure, +Margaret Tompkins – thank you.
I don't have skates and honestly, in the winds today I don't think I would have been too keen. But I would make some hot chocolate for you when you came in from your skate, +Heiko Mahr 🙂
Thank you my dear +Ursula Klepper – I am so glad if some read the little stories when I write them. If not, that is okay too, but I love to put a little background to the image for those who like it. It was pretty cold. Some days it feels okay, others it is icy. Tonight it was so bad (so icy as it had rained when it was +10 degrees, then it froze when it went back down to -12) that we almost could not get up our driveway.
It can be lovely, like so many places, +Tanya Stollznow – but we don't get the beautiful tropical birds and animals that you photograph so beautifully. (Although we do get lovely birds here too, of course,.)
Oh the ice is thick enough, +Brant Mathena – so you certainly can!
Thank you +Marleny Suazo
Nice picture"
If the ice was thick enough you could skate for miles.
It looks like a beautiful place to live +Ellie Kennard
Indeed a shame -> no skater on the river… I'd love to do it!!I used to skate with my children on the pond when he got frozen some winters and I loved it, but when I see your image I would like to beam me inside!!! :o) Love your storrys to every post!! xo
A wonderful image +Ellie Kennard
I would skate there if I would have the chance (and if I could skate at all 😉 )
Gorgeous shot +Ellie Kennard !! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
Wonderful image! I love the bright blue and I'm sure that frost is coming here too – eventually 🙂
Crispy cold fun!!!
Oh lovely landscape madam +Ellie Kennard great shot! I may pop up with a pic later on too 🙂
Love the S shape leading you through the image here. I don't suffer with being cold, but that's at UK temperatures and simply can't imagine -22 anything.
I think the worst I've ever been in to date is about -10C which includes the wind chill factor. Still, beautiful image.
What a wonderful landscape you live in, Ellie! 🙂