California Dreaming Filming in Nova Scotia


+Ben Proudfoot (director and producer) and +David Bolen cameraman of "Breakwater Films" are visiting us at the moment, while they are making a video about +Steven Kennard and his wood turning work. This talented team is living and working in LA and so our weather is a real change for them and they are getting quite a kick of filming in a snowstorm and temperatures that are well below zero. (Don't feel too bad for them, most of the time they were in Steven's workshop!)

They have made some wonderful profile videos about craftspeople and so we are really looking forward to seeing the finished product. Before you ask, no, I am not in it, though Joni is (of course). I did make the food and helped with some of the special effects behind the scenes. If you get to see the finished video, you should know that I was shaking the sieve. Don't ask (not yet).

You can see a couple of their videos here on Vimeo including Staff pick "Ink and Paper", "The Ox" as well as the preview to their film "Dinner with Fred" – which we haven't yet seen.

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24 Responses

  1. They had so much fun, though they were frequently wet and freezing (the snow has a habit of melting when it hits warm skin). Particularly the cameraman. He was dedicated, I'll give him that. +Karen Cooper – but you know all about dedicated (stills) cameramen, don't you?

  2. No surprise they live and work in California! My first thought when I saw the photo was – they don't look dressed for snow! Still, your wonderful capture shows they were obviously enjoying themselves :0)

  3. Oh my, "The Ox" is wonderful, too. What an interesting man. By coincidence my recent editing work has taken me through a series of four different experiences that all deal with some aspect of being a war veteran. As horrible as war itself is, it's enlightening (and good fodder for discussion) to see how severely broken those who are exposed to the heat of it become. Some are able to do things to rechannel all the negative stuff, as this craftsman has done. But the damage is still there. And I've never personally known anyone who faced combat whose life was not negatively and permanently affected by it. And I liked this fellow's comment about the two aspects of a film — what it's about and what it's really about. Anyone who has ever done creative work knows that's true of any such pursuit.

  4. I was going to say it looks as if they are enjoying it, but I see Linda got there first. Still we know master minds think alike. Can't wait to see it will we be able to?

  5. Thanks +Ruval Ruv – it is fun!

    +Aswaria Khan – I will tell him from you. thanks. 😀

    They are enjoying it, though they are feeling the cold, +Linda Jess

    It is fun, +Liz C

    It's my pleasure +andi rivarola – I hope you didn't feel too cold just seeing this.

    Thanks Bill. It was commissioned by the Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council – one of six short features they are making. I will be sharing it when it is ready, for sure. +William McLean

    He always has been, for me, of course, +Shelly Gunderson :-)) Thanks.

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