Here she is asking me to throw it for her, as I sit on the floor with my camera. But she wants me to throw it not for her, but at her. So she will shortly nudge it with her nose so that it rolls away from her until I can reach it, when I am expected to kick it back. If I can kick it right into her mouth, she is really pleased. I am not usually that good an aim and feel that I am a disappointment to her, in that area at least.
Joni was 11 weeks old on Saturday. She has lived with us for 4 weeks, it's hard to believe.
I'm a little tired, so will get up to date with my project as I can.
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
For #dogsgallery +Heinrich Wagner +Dogs GALLERY
#dogloversworldwide +DOG LOVERS Worldwide by +Robert SKREINER +Roswitha Böhmer +Thomas Henry
#hqspanimals +HQSP Animals curated by +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith
#noapologies #bordercollie #puppy #JonisDiary #AdayinthelifeofJoni
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Exactly so +Tatyana Akindinova
душа в глазах!
🙂 Breanna
+indiana L.keith – thanks very much
I wonder if your dog loves it as much as Joni +Grace Williams
Nice, +Karmin Baker – must be a lovely dog!
Exactly +Philip Tarbrook
+Margaret Millichamp – I am sure they gave you so much joy, but I am sure you miss them so much.
Not sure what you mean, +Breanna Barker – but she is worth her weight in gold, for sure!
Don't you just love them +alisha carr ? They sure know how to get themselves into our hearts. 😀 (We had a Lhasa too, very special and strong willed dogs.)
I have a lhassa also his name is charlie he is bossy and barks at you if he doesn't get his way
Thanks so much +alisha carr
Cute, cool and absolutely adorable
+Ellie Kennard, it was a nasty bill, but at least they were able to get it out and he's still going strong, if just a little slower at 10+.
+Ellie Kennard ikr
White Socks,nice & don't forget to wipe your paws !
that looks like my dog 🙂
My dog has that blue ball
wow Joni you are notching up more +'a than anyone.
Couldn't agree more, +Karen Avery – I bet you have a wonderful time with yours! The traits do come through in mixes, pretty strongly I am sure.
We rescued a border collie mix a couple of years ago; he is a second border collie mix. Yes, they can be work but they are so smart and wonderful, and GREAT Frisbee catchers. There is nothing like watching a fast BC beat a flying Frisbee to the catching spot.
+Deeyan Floyd – they are wonderful dogs, as long as you have the time, the energy and the space they need.
+Sparthir Kiwiwarrior – my last one was the same. The only thing she cared about was her frisbee. She liked the blue ball, but it didn't do anything to get her excited like a frisbee. We always have to be one (or ten) steps ahead of them.
Thank you +Heiko Mahr – and thanks for asking, a little better today. 🙂
That's what they are bred to do, of course +Kathy A. Martin – and it can be very useful. Thanks so much, I'm glad you like it.
Thanks so much Karen. I'm glad to brighten anyone's day and if a picture of Joni will do it, then I have no shortage. +Karen Cooper
THank you +Breanna Barker and +stephanie streets
I agree, +Laura Sleeman 😀
They do look very distinctive, +mouse fur
+Sharon Stone thanks for the warning. I had not considered getting tennis balls as this blue ball seems to be a favourite (with our last one, too). But that's good to know (and scary). :-/ That's a nasty bill.
Thank you so much +Patti Colston – I do think so.
Thanks for reading through them, +Christina Lihani – I try to get a good photo that I can write something about and I hope some have the time to read.
Thank you +Rosalee Martel
I had better, +Shelly Gunderson – and actually, neither can I!
You said it, +Scott Long
Thank you +Sumit Sen
Mine too, +Tom Tran – and the energy is really impressive. Without intelligence it would be kind of scary.
Oh yes, Janet, you got her pegged! She will be always waiting for every order, for sure. That's who they are, even young like this. +Janet Patterson – thanks very much.
+Veronica Kent – they get me every time, I agree!
She would be ready +LOVE JOY
You are most welcome, +William McLean and a good morning or evening to you, too. 😀
Border collies are the best!
Thanks +Allan Cabrera – 🙂
Oh yes, +Elizabeth Lund – a handful for sure, but so worth it! It's the eyes that get me every time.
+Ursula Klepper – you are a great #fanofjoni and I know you would love her!
+Alayna Schneider :-))
Thanks a lot +Sharon Stone – and you are right, she is.
+Thomas Henry – thanks for reading it, and for the comment.
+yochi smilee – you did!
+Terri Spoonemore – another border collie?
Absolutely obsessed, you are right, +Allison Sekuler – and I can imagine the fun that was for them.
Thanks +Kayla Koroma
I completely get that 'boredom can be destructive' bit. +Tery Higgins – until we got the invisible fence for our last border collie she had started to demolish the structure of the house. She was working her way through the kitchen, but as soon as she was able to get out and run when we wanted, then she (and we) relaxed. This one is pretty much trained on it, now, but the snow is so deep that it's not as much fun as it will be when it melts. A trick I learned was to mix some of her food up with a little bit of natural peanut butter (no sugar, obviously). I then stuff that into her kong and freeze it for a few hours. It keeps her busy for quite a while.
I agree, +Deborah Aldridge they are!
+Michael G. Smith – and I say that an old dog can teach us new tricks!
Me too, +Jenni Menzies
Border Collie are the best!
Thanks for this lovely image – a Joni picture always makes me smile and brightens my day.
I have a border collie and she's so smart ..except she tries to "coral" the other dogs..Joni is lovely. .. ..beautiful picture
What a look.. I would have played hours with her for that look.. Oh she is so cute.
Hope your feeling fit today..
Too adorable for words
My border collie, Ben, couldn't have cared less about a ball. He is 1 year old tomorrow and is only getting addicted to chasing it now. I have to sling shot him around behind me (basically I get him to run around behind me and then out and away from me) and then he will chase a ball or frisbee a long distance. If I just throw it he might chase it say 5 meters and then give up.
so cute and I want one
' Morning Ellie and Joni
Thanks for sharing a beautiful start to the day!
Cute, anyone wants to play ball
I am a sucker for a dogs puppy's face
Thanks for the warning on tennis balls.Samantha is crazy about them
Even at that young age +Ellie Kennard , it would seem that Joni can read your very thoughts and is attempting to anticipate your every move. After all, you might need her to do something, and she will be ready. No doubt about it. Another great shot of that steady gaze of hers!
Joni is adorable. Border collies are one of my favorite dogs. So intelligent and full of energy!
Love the look! 🙂
Thanks for the warning +Sharon Stone!
Smart dogs
LOL So you better improve your aim I think. 🙂 I can't get over how cute she is!
oh so cut
I love reading your observations! This photo so completely captures her intensity!
awwww adorable +Ellie Kennard she's beautiful
+Tery Higgins, be careful with tennis balls. We spent $2500 getting part of a tennis ball that was blocking our dog's intestines out. He lost 5-7 pounds in a few days time. It was pretty scary!!!
looks kinda like my grandparents dog, Wisper.
I love border collies ♥♥
Love the breed. Even at 11yo he still surprises us with the things he knows.
Border collies are awesome!
My Daisy (Border Collie mix) loves her tennis ball, but not for me to throw – she would rather do that herself. She is also very good at disassembling stuffed animals with surgeon like precision. The important thing is to stay one step ahead of her. Boredom can be destructive.
Aww that was nice
We used to do flyball with our Border Terrier, Archie (same Border, really different dog). The height of the hurdles is based on the smallest dog on the team, so the teams usually were three Border Collies and one smaller dog (like ours). We didn't last long because Archie preferred sniffing things to balls, but the Border Collies were made for the sport – they were utterly and completely obsessed with the balls and would do anything to get them. Great dogs!
Looks like NY Samantha rose
i found joni..^-^..!!
Joni is so cute +Ellie Kennard ! Love your story too : )
Love your post, +Ellie Kennard, she sounds like a very fun puppy!
Oh! She has so clever eyes! …. And she surely keeps you busy all the time…. I loved to read about how she acts with her blue ball, and I can't stop looking at her! #fanofjoni :o) take care of you! Hugs!
Joni is so cute and intense, you can see it in her eyes!
Hand full all the way!
Such a #cutiepatootie 🙂