Apart Together

Apart Together - Ellie Kennard 2013
Apart Together – Ellie Kennard 2013

I was drawn to the lines and light in this and was particularly enjoying the challenge of using my 40mm prime lens, which meant that I had to move to get the composition I wanted. The little ‘pancake’ lens is perfect for street and city photography as it makes my camera much more unobtrusive and easier to carry with me.

It wasn’t until I saw this that I realized that the two main figures in this appeared to be going in two different directions. They are both with me and presumably want to be going the same way together. The obvious one is Steven, but the purposeful stride belongs to my good friend Janet, who really does know where she is going in this station! We have some great memories of our fun trip to Toronto, good to revisit today when we are buried in a blizzard..

30 Responses

  1. A shot that really tells a story – or invites you to use your immagination. Steven does look a little confused and like he's just about to step on that train – if he did I hope he was supposed too :o) I thought the snow was heading your way. Keep warm and safe x

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