Original Post: Week 20/26: Leading Lines
Small harbours hold a fascination for me, as everything seems to be moving in slow motion, but going nowhere, at least most of the time, held more or less in place by lines. People of all ages with fishing lines hanging over the dock stand still, silently watching for any movement to their lazily bobbing floats: yachts at anchor move almost imperceptibly around their tethering lines, rocked by the gentle swell of the tide: this oarsman guided his little craft with slow deliberate strokes of the oars into position to tie it to the line at the wharf alongside the others. Everything seems to move almost in slow motion, constrained in some way by lines. And all of these lines lead to the sea.
For a theme of “Leading Lines” there can be few places with more lines than a small harbour such as this, in Rockport, Maine.