Waiting for the Spring Floods to Subside

Waiting for the spring floods to subside- Ellie Kennard 2014
Waiting for the spring floods to subside- Ellie Kennard 2014

Original Post: Waiting for the Spring Floods to Subside – 86/365 – April 11, 2014

We did manage to get out for a walk around the wetland habitat nearby last Sunday afternoon, in the hopes of catching sight of some spring nest building or other activity. Instead, we found the ice still in the middle of the water, only the shores having open areas. On top of this late melt, there have been heavy rains and the paths and inland woods areas were either flooded or still snow covered. These mallard seemed pretty fed up, in what should have been the floor of the forest at the edges of the wetlands. He seems to be on the water, where she has one foot on the rock, balancing neatly, while the other is tucked under her.

10 Responses

  1. +Gisela Heeg thanks so much. Belated, but finally getting to reply to all the lovely comments.

    Thanks so much +Jacqueline Hodsdon – that means a lot.

    +Shelly Gunderson – thank you.

    +YinYang youis Roland J. Ruttledge – glad you liked it and don't worry, things like that happen accidentally all the time to me. 🙂

    Thank you +Sumit Sen 

    Thanks a lot +HQSP Birds +Philippe Avenel – it is my pleasure.

    +Tatyana Akindinova – I'm glad you like it, Tatyana.

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