1. Locate your peaceful flock of gulls where ever they may be.
2. As you will be fairly well camouflaged in your outfit, pretend to be walking casually towards them, with no ill intent. Get as close as you can.
3. As soon as you notice the first signs of attention from the lookouts, run as fast as you can towards them, waving your stick as high in the air as possible, screaming at the top of your lungs.
4. Duck and dodge the flying fallout as fear will scare the **** out of the more timid ones. Hence the need for a good hat.
5. Get your camera busy and capture this great sporting event. Enjoy!
Thanks +Trisha Holston – glad you like it!
Lol… Great action shot! 🙂
🙂 +Giselle Savoie
OMG love this, +++
Thanks +Steve Savoie its important to maintain control you know!
LMAO ! Another wonderful #SeagullButtTutorial . Well done fighting off the enemy +Ellie Kennard and +Steven Kennard ! 😉
So glad to
hearread that! +Steven Kennard and +Ellie KennardAnd the house was filled with "The magic Flute" +Ursula Klepper ! Thanks
Excellent choice +Ursula Klepper.
You are well qualified for this position of musical director! Thank you.
What about: Papageno's aria from The Magic Flute "The bird catcher I'm" by Mozart? ;o) +Steven Kennard
I thought you would appreciate that +Ursula Klepper.
Perhaps you can be my musical director?
Can you recommend some music for me to try next time I'm in a stick shaking mood?
Hahaha! +Steven Kennard
That's because I like to listen to powerful orchestral music on my ipod during my shake out! +Ursula Klepper
LOL!!!! He almost looks like a conductor of the #seagullbuttorchestra ! great job!! xo
+Sofie Løve Forsberg – if you take a look at the title of Steven's post here and read the comments, you will see why we posted this 🙂 . https://plus.google.com/104584322313471697637/posts/NWJcnV3GDKX
Sweet. But what on earth have the Seagulls done to deserve such a treatment?
Hah hah hah! Love it, +Ellie Kennard!
This is hilarious :-)))!
+Steven Kennard – If only. I've had an up and down day. Very balanced. The morning was a 5 mile hike and lots of photos. The afternoon a memorial service for my Niece's father-in-law.
I hope you were photographing gull buts +Craig Szymanski?
I was quite busy all morning and afternoon. Great to get home this evening and see this wonderfully funny series that you and +Steven Kennard have put together 🙂
+Ellie Kennard that is a great photo of a ScareGull statue. What is really cool is you have dressed it so realistically. Now you just need some gulls to arrive so it can scare them away 🙂
more seagulls than you can shake a stick at? obviously not
Reminds me of the scene in Indiana Jones, when his Dad scares the sea gulls up to take out the Nazi fighter plane.
Mad skills
Wowza!!!!!! Now I understand all. Fabulous! 🙂
+Rob Lopes, you'll be receiving the #SeagullButtPostCommentAward … ;oD
Hahaha, +Ellie Kennard .. you have this week's #SeagullButtPostAward !!!! … Not that it's anything you're going to want to show to anyone, mind … ;o7
+Dusty Gedge I'm not falling for this again. Last Saturday and the Saturday before and the Saturday before that people have tried to convince me #seagullbuttsaturday was a non-themed theme with non-curatoring curators which existed only to stare at seagulls butts all day only to find out later they are non-curators for a non-theme on saturdays.
While this is a really nice image of a man obvious disillusion while shaking that stick at a sky, I'm willing to bet he's in on this non-themed theme #seagullbuttsaturday trying to trick some people into become non-curators just so they can justify why they stare at screens searching for seagull butts when people tell them they are there. Crazy people, doesn't exist!
Hey, I just noticed there's really big snow flakes in this image but there's no snow on the ground. That's really weird.
Full Disclaimer: I was infected with the RGW virus a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I'll fully get over it. It's lethal, to say the least. I would suggest anyone who sees seagulls butts on saturday to seek immediate medical attention. When arriving at the hospital, just mention +Robin Griggs Wood and they'll know what's wrong with you and provide proper care.
-Good day
Way too much fun Ellie! The tutorial is a hoot; and Steven looks to have a great technique here. I would participate but its been -30C and our seagulls have left.
Perhaps he is trying to find a stick in that haystack +Rob Lopes ???
Oh my ! you are serious with your part- 2 !!
I like +Steven Kennard 's pose in this. It looks like he is telling the birds – "please take this stick, I'm just pretending to chase you all because +Ellie Kennard told me to" 🙂
This is such a wonderful tutorial! Hahahahahaha!
I don't understand…. A man shakes a stick in the air and nothing….. Am I missing something here…. Is he angry because there's a storm coming and he's trying to scare the clouds away. That would be silly, if true.
Anyways, great tree line and texture in the clouds.
Very neat and LOL +Dawn Siadatan !
This is a great shot, but all I can think of is *hey you kids, get off my lawn!" 🙂
Thanks +Ellie Kennard for starting my morning with a good laugh!
Too much like exercise for me, but it looks like fun. Perhaps bystanders could use an umbrella.
I really like Steven's pose. But he is chasing landgulls masquerading as seagulls! 🙂
That's a great shot! And a perfect instruction manual. Is it available in Mandarin Chinese? 😀
haha, that's awesome
LOL 🙂 – very important to know this.