The Bees Are Back in Town (113/365)

This morning Steven called me outside and we stood under this tree. "Listen", he said. I listened. "I can hear birds." "Not just birds," he said. So I listened again. "And I can hear traffic." Traffic? No, not traffic! It's the hum of hundreds and hundreds of bees in the tree blossoms above us! YES! The Bees are Back in Town! I stood on a step ladder to get close enough to catch this little guy.

And now after a few days of post bombing you all, I'm as up to date as I am going to be so watch for a treat of a different sort from tomorrow. I'm planning to share a story I wrote which will be in full on my blog, with a share of it on here.  (My blog is and so far it mostly features my G+ postings, but this treat will be a 'blog' 'almost' exclusive.)

#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton

HQSP Natural Other #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Daniel Taylor +Joakim Hagen Abrahami +Stefanie Schächtel

#inpraiseofpollinators ++In Praise of Polllinators by +Dusty Gedge

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