I know (and I'm sure you know) the answer, so no prizes for guessing, but this really did remind me of those sweet little puffer fishes we had in our aquarium, many years ago. Having seen a few signs of early Spring I was on the hunt for more when I found this. Nothing to do with Spring, but interesting, nevertheless.
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
HQSP Natural Other #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Daniel Taylor +Joakim Hagen Abrahami +Stefanie Schächtel
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Thanks +yaseen alazzawi
Excellent description of it, Ursula! +Ursula Klepper
It looks like a tree hedgehog on a hedgehog tree! :o)
So pretty and keeps you guessing doesn't it
Glad you like it, Sumit! +Sumit Sen
Very interesting! Lovely find!