Our Streets Are Paved With Gold


It is commonly spread about abroad that the streets in Canada are paved with gold. This is meant to be figurative. However, as you can see, it is quite literally true in some places.

This was brought home to me when I looked out of my bedroom window one morning and this was what met my eyes. At last here is the proof! (It really did look like this.) For a bit of Friday fun!

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#powerlinefriday +Powerline Friday by +Natosha Davis

#cableicous +Cableicous by +Charles Strebor


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12 Responses

  1. It was, just like copper gold, +Natosha Davis Thanks.

    +Robert Fuentes Jr
    Thanks a lot, Robert. It was taken at sunrise, but certainly was the light of the sun that hit the street just so, with the wet road reflecting it nicely. It must have happened before, I'm sure. But I had never seen it in 17 years.

    Thank you +Shelly Gunderson

    I truly do, thank you +Ursula Klepper – now it's more white on the roads than gold, as you have read today. 😀

    Thanks so much +Christina Lihani – I am glad too.

    We have much more snow now, but it is lovely +Sunny Wu

    Thank you +Sumit Sen

    Thanks a lot +Gopal Satyamurty

    +Lisa Ellis thank you very much, Lisa!

    It must be if the pot of gold has spilled over so much here, +Heiko Mahr – you are right!

    A spike of 1 more would not go amiss, +Janet Patterson thanks.

  2. Now I get contemplative… you have golden crests, your streets are paved with gold….I wander what is going to be next … ;o) You surely have beautiful things to see out of your bedroom window!

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