Take the Next Exit (If You Can Find It)

Take the Next Exit (if you can find it) multiple exposure - Ellie Kennard 2016
Take the Next Exit (if you can find it) multiple exposure – Ellie Kennard 2016

One of those images where you get to decide what you want it to be!

Driving home from a city at night* is a great way to get some very interesting photographs, if you are prepared to experiment and play. This was actually taken at dusk and the colours are the result of the pink glow on the skyline, the car lights and the various signs as they were lit by the traffic.

These multiple exposures are all on my When Life is a Blur Gallery  

*I was a passenger, I should add before I am flooded with horrified comments about how unsafe this practice would be if I were at the wheel.


30 Responses

    1. Thanks a lot Cathy. I realize now that long before I took the Blur mentorship I was drawn to taking that kind of photograph, but I didn’t experiment with multiple exposure until then, as my camera had that feature. I know my own appreciation for abstracts/blur really grew the more I learned.

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