Hunter's Moon

In album Skyscapes

This is called Hunter's Moon because my friend Hunter specially wanted me to photograph it as he was so excited to see how amazing it looked. He chose the best viewpoint to get it, with the twisted branches and leaves contrasted against the red ring around the moon. He even stood still at one point for me to balance my camera on his head so I could get a photograph that was closer to what he was seeing. Hunter made a very good tripod "head" as he is 8 years old and therefore was a perfect height.

You are a great location scout, Hunter. Thank you!

A Hunter's moon really does exist as you can find out at this link. So this is an early Hunter's Moon for real!

16 Responses

  1. Thank you so much +Rekha Rao – I was so pleased to have not blown out too much of the moon as is so often the case as you said. And the colours were so unusual with that red ring. Which was what drew Hunter to it in the first place, I think. I know his mother showed this to him and he liked it.

    +Authentic Seacoast Company – thank you!

    +Ursula Klepper – well, if he grows as tall as his father, then he will be using me as his tripod! I expect they will give him his own camera when this little tripod grows up!

  2. That is a beautiful capture +Ellie Kennard .  It is great to watch these moon-o-drama (sun-set gets all the credits; but moon gets hardly enough). What captivates me the most are all those shades of color around the moon – and you caught it beautifully.

    I have failed so many times at this (moon blows out while capturing rest of it).

  3. +Ursula Klepper – and you told me that I was going to need a lighter tripod! This is a much better solution as he can walk into the locations on his own two feet!
    Thank you for your lovely commnt. 🙂

    Thanks +Diana Boyd – I saw Hunter last night and he was really pleased with how it turned out. And enjoyed the story as well.

    Thanks for your kind comment and concern +John Kampsen – 🙂

    +Donna McClure – thanks for the visit to the album. Hunter seems to have an eye for it. Let's hope he keeps his interest as he grows.

    Thank you +Sumit Sen 

    I will tell him you said so +Florence Gamiao thanks from him! He's pretty great!

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