So yesterday morning when I was up early, putting wood on the stove to get it going again, as I turned to do something else I heard a loud bang. Some build up of gasses had caused the top of the stove to lift off and had ejected the gasket ( which is a furry, ropey thing that you put in between the top of the stove and the stove body to insulate it and form a sealed join). This was not a disaster, but it meant that I had to get a replacement gasket for Steven to put into place. So, (and this was approaching a disaster for some of us) we had to let the stove out for several hours so that it would be cool enough to put this new gasket in place. The wood stove is pretty much all we use to heat our house, so this meant that bit by bit the house got colder and colder.
When you have two heat loving cats who often spend most of the day lying behind this hot wood stove, this is obviously not going to make them very happy. I looked around for them yesterday afternoon and here is where I found them. This is a bag that has a heated pad in the bottom and a thermo layer in the top. Usually they sit looking out of it, enjoying the view. Yesterday was obviously a protest and I think that Molly's tail was as expressive as the two backs facing me.
For my #365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton and not much else. Oh yes. #cornishrex #cornishrexcats +Cornish Rex curated by myself.
For sure +Heiko Mahr – but happy now that all is restored to normal. 😀
He he he… oh yes, seems like they protested agains the cold..
Difficult to work firstthis one out at
They got over it, +Ursula Klepper – thanks very much, I'm glad if it made you laugh. 😀
You got that right, +Patricia dos Santos Paton – you can tell they have strong characters by their rigid backs in protest. 🙂
🙂 +Peggy Handley
They really do +Shelly Gunderson – especially as they have short curly hair.
Thanks very much +Sumit Sen
How cute!
LOL Yes, they love their warmth!
thats funny
Wow! Poor them! Amazing capture and two strong characters in protest!
Very funny image! And the story made me smile also, despite the fact you cad to endure the cold!! :o)
You could say that +Rachel Ferris – although the fire was blazing brightly again last night and so I think I am forgiven, particularly as I am the one wielding the can opener usually. 😀
+Ellie Kennard are you now in the proverbial dog house?
That is pretty Corny! 😀
Now I understand the photo!! I hope you have got the fire going again now, this really is a major disaster for these two.