Growing Pains Can Bring Tears-136/365

Last week the rain and warm temperatures brought a spurt of growth and suddenly my favourite plants and flowers are stretching their leaves and opening their blossoms. The new leaves here looked as if they were cocooned in tears as they grow.  I wish everyone a happy few days with balmy weather and the rain if you need it. As it falls on you remember how those drops look on this and know that these are the same drops that fall on you. 

The last few days have been hectic (and the next few will be, too), so I will post as I can.  I will also answer comments as I can as I really appreciate them all! 🙂

#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton

HQSP Natural Other #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Daniel Taylor +Joakim Hagen Abrahami +Stefanie Schächtel

#WaterDropWednesday +WaterDropWednesday  by +Patti Colston  +Michael Albrecht +Teresa Linstead and +Valerij Karpinchik

#wetwednesday  +Wet Wednesday by +Jen Baptist

26 Responses

  1. No, don't worry +Ursula Klepper – we have an expression about 'growing pains' and I was using it to refer to the flowers and leaves in this drop bundle.I am long past having 'growing pains' and now it's just 'growing old pains' which is something different again and not so positive. 😀 But this was just a metaphor, so not literal at all for me.
     I'm so glad you like it. I love drops too, and so seldom get any really nice images of them.

  2. First I was a little frightened reading your title … but maybe I misunderstood the word "Pains" , well I hope you don't have pain(s) that bring tears to you! I always love waterdrops and how they make things look! These look like kristal beads and your image is very appealing! :o)

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