Last night I spent quite a bit of time working with the external flash. I bounced the light off a home made reflector (a big piece of thick white paper) and used the Fong diffuser to spread the light. I was not able to use auto focus as the light was so low, so used my app on my tablet to gauge the manual focus and to fire the shutter. The app (which is a live view) drains the battery super fast, so I was just beginning to enjoy myself when it all went dead (flash and camera batteries). But it's all about learning.
#365project +G+ 365 Project by +Simon Davis-Oakley +Patricia dos Santos Paton
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(Sorry for being so slow to thank everyone!)
It is indeed, +Sharon Stone
I agree, Janet. I can barely see the detail without a magnifier and could not possibly have created it. Thanks +Janet Patterson
Thank you +Sumit Sen
I think it is Chinese art, +Heiko Mahr – certainly oriental looking. Thanks 🙂
What a wonderful piece of art +Ellie Kennard so fine shot
indeed a different area. It looks a bit like Chinese art on it, or?
Beautifully carved and on so small a box
Wonderfully done.
It's hard to imagine +Ellie Kennard, working on something so small and delicate. It's very special indeed. Perfect for Farm Friday.
What a great little box, +Ellie Kennard!
+Shelly Gunderson – thanks very much.
Oh my! Send her a hug from me. But you are right…. when you have a minute, no rush if you are overwhelmed, Ursula. +Ursula Klepper
Oh!! I guess I know what you mean! You need a snowdrop, don't you!? Ok tomorrow is friday …. Thanks for the hint, I was mostly focused on my doughter this week, she had a tonsillectomy…. Hugs!
Thanks +Ursula Klepper – it was a struggle, but I learned a lot in working with it. And it is precious. In many ways. xo right back to you, my dear friend. Soon it will be February… hint hint.
This box is very beautiful and precious, and you did the lighting quite nice! xo
It is, isn't it, +Dillisher katuwal and I agree, +Mari Luukkonen – thanks to you both.
That really is a beautiful item! One can't but admire the handcraft.
beautiful designed….
Very pretty!