Just for a change of season as we are having sleet here, I thought you might all like a taste of spring to brighten your day. The sunset that evening was hitting these trees at the top of our field in the ‘golden hour’ and the low cloud was almost the same colour as those young leaves, with that amazing blue of the sky appearing here and there. We don’t get to see sunsets from our house as we are surrounded by very tall trees, so I saw this by chance as I walked across the drive and had to run to catch the special moment. It was taken a few years ago, but I passed those same trees on my rainy walk last night and looked back at them as they are now, leaves ready to fall off, after their full year of growth. The field beneath them is now farmed intensively, but the woodland is still there, rich and full of life, including lots of foxes.
The landscapes gallery is to be seen here: https://www.elliekennard.ca/ekgallery/landscapes/
What a gorgeous capture; seasonal change suffused in light, Ellie!
Thanks Brian, it’s such a great feeling when you find yourself in the right place at the right time in front of something so lovely. I hope you are well. Our garden was pretty much a washout this year, I’m afraid. So no growth from those seeds.
If you hadn’t said it was Spring, Ellie, i would have believed it was a lovely Fall sunset. Either way it is beautifulltly warming. Thank you!
Well, Janet, I, too, thought it was a fall scene as I came across it by pure chance, searching for another with some of the same file numbers. I started to write this post with that assumption until I noticed the date it was taken. That, then, meant I had to about face! It does have a fall glow, but those leaves are new, young ones. I’m glad of it warmed, as I needed that myself today. Brrr!
Thank you, as always.
It certainly was a golden hour. Just wish it would last a little longer than it does. It was great that you were able to capture it for all of us to enjoy.. Amazing photo to brighten this dreary day. Thanks
I wish those moments lasted, too, Linda. But perhaps their fleeting quality makes them more memorable. Thanks for the comment, Linda. I was remembering with pleasure our photo taking trips we took together.
Awesome light and colours! Must have been a “wow” moment!
You can just imagine my excitement, I think. Thanks, Françoise.
Ellie this is stunning, absolutely beautiful!
Thanks, Prue, it really was a spectacular moment.
Don’t get to see many like that!
It was a special moment, so quickly gone. Thanks, Jim.