Zinnia and Friends

Zinnia and Friends

Zinnia and Friends

I’m staying in those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, when zinnias were two a penny and they each had as many visitors as they wanted. I know that frustrations in our lives can seem overwhelming, but when I look at the simple beauty in this flower which is at its best for only a few days at most, as well as its busy, short-lived insect life, somehow all of those stresses and worries seem to melt away. I am reminded that each day comes only once and if we fail to make what we can of it, tomorrow will crowd today out and today will be yesterday. So let us make sure that looking back at today we have a smile, remembering something good that happened, even if it’s only a flower with a couple of bugs wandering over it. Flower a Day #481 View all posts on the Home page.

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