Happy World Turtle Day to all who celebrate! As today is World Turtle Day (who knew?) I thought I would share this photo of a snapping turtle by way of celebration. This was a huge monster, crossing the road in front of the car, so Steven and another driver guided it (carefully) across the road to safety and the water on the other side. It looks like some prehistoric creature and it really felt like a priviledge to see it in the wild. You can see it on my animals photo gallery by clicking on the photo or this link: https://www.elliekennard.ca/ekgallery/animals/
We have several in our area too. Lots of turtle fencing to try to convince them not to cross the road.
Thanks for the picture
My pleasure, Kathy. It’s not a common sight for me.
Quite unusual, I suppose, to see such a big one, and crossing a road!
It is a rare sighting, indeed. Thanks Françoise.
Lovely photo and it certainly was a large one. Don’t usually see them quite that big. Guess he is wise as well and knows when to cross the road.
He knew to wait until helpful people would help him, so I would say he is wise, I agree, Linda!
Really New Scotia avec la forme de son nez et elle vit dangereument !!! Belle prise ! Bisous
Oui, on vit dangereusement ici!! Merci Patricia!
Sure is a biggie!!
They certainly do look prehistoric
Don’t they just, Jim?!
He/she is magnificent and probably extremely old.
Thanks to Steven and helper for ensuring this turtle made it safely across the road. Let’s hope that’s the only road it needs to cross.
Thanks, Ellie, for sharing on this World Turtle Day.!
Thanks so much, Janet. It could be very old, from the size of it. I didn’t realise I hadn’t answered all the comments on this. Apologies!